Pet Peeves

What are your pet peeves?

Some of mine are...

dirty dishes left in the sink

over flowing trash can that NOBODY notices OR takes out

over flowing laundry hamper - again, unnoticed

my know-it-all daughter-in-law (who I really do love, but..)

when my dogs get in the overflowing trash can

liter bugs

the empty paper towel roll left in the dispenser - same goes for the kleenex box or the toilet paper roll

answering the phone at work, including, stating the name of the business, and then having them ask if this is that place I just said

people not untieing their shoes before they take them off - that REALLY makes me crazy!!

I know those of you that know me well are just laughing your heads off while you imagine me freaking out about these things. That's alright, you go right ahead and laugh. When I see what your pet peeves are, I plan to do the same to you!

� grizmom at

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