Is there more to life than a nap and laundry?
AAAWwwwww... nothing like a nice big fat uninterrupted nap! Yep, 3.5 hours. I swore I was only going to lay there a little while. I guess - define a little while. I recommend that for everyone from time to time. So tonight, I obviously recommended that to me.Made my trip to Wally's after hiking my lazy self off the bed. I think the new bed is way too comfy - 3.5 hour NAP?? It's a sad day (or night) when you can't even do laundry until you've been to Wally's. Thank goodness we're now the good ole 24 hour store, and that that's not MY shift! Wouldn't it just be a shame if I was out of detergent and unable to do the laundry since I'll be up 1/2 the night now??? I'd just hate to have to lay on the couch watching Lifetime with nothing to fold. Yeah, right!
I saw lots of couples at the store. I'm jealous. I tell my friends, and myself, that that's the absolute last thing I need. But in all honesty, I hate always being alone or being the 3rd wheel. Not sure who I'm trying to convince - me or them. Then of course I had to run into a man I dated for 3 years. I thought I was way past feeling anything but friendship for him. I seem to have been wrong there. Now I'm in a funk over it. We ended, well, HE ended our relationship after 3 years because of his then 19 year old kid who didn't like Daddy dating and his ex-wife of then 7 years because she didn't like it either. What's wrong with people? First of all, what's the meaning of divorce? And, a 19 year old kid who doesn't wanna work or go to school? And, what's wrong with the parent(s) that allow this??? I don't get it?? I love my son to pieces, but I've never let him control me or my choices like this. As for my ex-husband, we don't even need to go there. I could understand better if Mr. C.H.A.R. (now labeled - Mr. Can't Have A Relationship) had small kids or the whole divorce was new, or whatever... but come on now. Anyway, I will not only spend my night folding laundry, but let's add a heaping order of "poor me" to tonights entertainment. And equally as wonderful, the "Wedding Planner" is on. Great -- those who can't (marry) - plan. There's my new career.
I have to say a HUGE thanks to my cousin for helping me get this diary all set up. She had a real good laugh at my frustration and then gave up her beading time to help me straighten it all out. (forget helping ME striaghten it out - she did all the work) She's not only the prettiest cousin I have, she's the sweetest. I still say that if we lived closer together - oh the trouble to be had!
It's been much cooler here the last few days. I've been able to have the a/c off and windows open complete with fans a'blowin'. I love the fresh air and even some of the sounds of outside. Birds chirping, the rain - both the smell and the sound, oh yeah and let's not forget the garbage truck at 0-dark thirty when the world is trying to SLEEP IN, which leads to the dogs barking. Guess you can't have everything huh?
Ok, enough whining, enough poor me. There's laundry just waiting for my attention. I'm off to watch Lifetime and fold fold fold...
Wishing you all a sunshiney weekend!
� grizmom at