This 'N' That
Roof is done! HURRAY! HURRAY! I did try to dance the big fat purple rhino dance but threw my back out doing it. All that hip swinging hoola hoop action was just too strong. (kidding!!!) (did I mention I can't hoola hoop??)I KNOW why I've stayed single for so long.. this dating business is alot of damn work. Mr. "call you tommorrow" has called a few times now. He's sorry (yeah, so is my ex) but.. he's tried very hard to redeem himself.(and I'm a sucker) He's even trying to set up a date for this weekend. And, as luck would have it, it's my weekend off! Give me an AMEN SISTER, would ya? If he doesn't "call you tomorrow" with this "2nd chance" I might have to "bobbitize" him and forget him. He's very nice and very handsome, but... guess we'll just have to see how he likes his anatomy - rearranged or not rearranged?? It's not like he doesn't have a choice in the outcome!:)
Business trip update - still don't wanna go. (just in case that wasn't clear before) Have a layover in Memphis, coming and going. I'm a direct flight kinda gal so this whole layover thing is killing me.
Dad update - not well. Not well at all. He's home from the hospital, but it's not good. He has a pic-line for the remainder of his iv antibiotics. He has no clue who we are or where he is or where he's been. He now has spots (of what exactly?) on his legs and gangrene looking patches on his feet. He's covered in bed soars and for the first time he says he's in pain. PAIN??(see me try to spring into action at the mere mention of that) He sees the doctor today. Younger Sister will be asking the doc what he sees coming down the pipeline here. We're seriously wondering if it's about time to make some decisions about things such as continuing dialysis or what-not. How do you make that decision? What ever happened to your parents passing away all old and warm and tucked in their beds or sitting in their favorite chair?? Life just isn't fair. (Prettiest Cousin, I didn't know if you knew all this or not. I hope I didn't just spring all this on you)
The weather is cooler, much cooler today. The weather man (lies, all lies) is even talking about some rain. That would be good so my yard doesn't catch fire and burn up my new roof! There's a nice more-than-steady breeze a'blowin'. I sat in my car for lunch, ate my salad, windows down, radio on, and could have taken a real nice ciesta. ZZZzzzzzzz ahhhhh.. nice.
Prettiest Cousin - you'll appreciate this... I got called for jury duty the same week as the "don't wanna go" business trip. I don't wanna go to either actually, but I'd have stayed for jury duty! What I need here is jury duty with Prettiest Cousin as my court reporter! Can't you just see us busting up for numerous reasons through that whole thing??
Christmas shopping has started. I actually started it in July. I LOVE layaway and make no bones about using it. Last year son and fiance got the "please move out" gifts. They got almost any household thing they'd ever need to set up shop. This year, well luggage so far. More "please move out" things?? Perhaps! I know I don't mean it that way, but I've gone for the more practical gifts vs. useless junk. I know I know, I MUST be on the verge of Rocket Scientist material. It's a family trait.
Ok, I've tried to be VERY faithful about updating, but SOME OF YOU--- :) just remember that when I'm on the "don't wanna go" business trip and I'm unable to post.
Hope you all have a super day!
� grizmom at