The Heart Remembers Best What It Loves The Most
I'm back to work this week. Kinda nice to be back in somewhat of a normal routine. I hope I'm past the bursting into tears at the drop of a hat issue. I can't help but think about Dad and remember and wish and hope and and and... **sigh** He'd tell me "there's nothing you can do about it" and he'd be exactly right. So, with that in mind, I've tried to "pick myself up by bootstraps" (as he'd say) and get on with gettin' on.Younger Sister and I went for a good long walk last night. We're such good friends and I'm so very glad. We walked and talked and laughed and carried on like a couple of fools. We were cracking up at the sight of her dog as he took a big ole dump right in the middle of the street, twice. We're cheap to amuse, what can we say?
We also plotted the demise (not really, but...) of our Oldest Sister. She already emailed me yesterday - 2 days after the funeral - about buying Dad's house. GOOD GRIEF WOMAN!!! Can you let him rest first!?? She's a greedy ole biddy who is out for her own profit and to heck with anyone else. There's a whole big riff brewing between OS and YS regarding my Grandmother's house too. Prettiest Cousin - oh the things I have to tell you about this! OS will surely die an old, bitter woman alone with her money. Hope she's happy.
I got 5 big beautiful plants from Dad's service. Son is less than impressed, but I LOVE it! I love plants, especially when I can keep them alive! These are basically green leafy plants so they stand a sporting chance. I just need to make some room in my over crowded house - but I'll make it work! TRUST ME, I'll make it work.
The sympathy cards are just beautiful. YS got a card that said "The heart remembers best what it loved the most." I think that's the perfect thing to put on Dad's stone.
My cousin that came from Wyoming is on the ole South Beach diet. She's lost 10 lbs. AMAZING!! I'm quite intrigued, however, obviously not quite intrigued enough to get on the wagon as I sit here muching my Gardettos. Give up bread and potatoes?? WHAT IS THAT?? I like to think I'm a strong gal, but this could do me in! I will probably have to find another weight loss avenue or just be fat. A friend of mine swears by WW, but, I can't make the meetings plus I'm undedicated at counting points. Big IS beautiful, isn't it??
The weather has been just beautiful here. In the 70's to low 80's every day with a little rain shower in the night and a few clouds. Absolutely fall weather without a doubt. Then the sun will come peaking through and wow, it's just picture perfect. Maybe it's being sent to us from Mom and Dad. That's a nice thought for the day.
I give up. Men are just a lot of bother. Dating sucks and being single and self sufficient is looking pretty dang good. My divorce about did me in several years ago but this whole dating thing -- forget it, it's worse! I plan to take my dating profile offline and forget it. I'll live out my life with my dogs, my son, my friends, my YS and whatever other people I meet along the way and just be happy about it. So I sleep alone the rest of my life; that just means I don't have to share the blankets, right?
I have the whole week off from job #2 since I was supposed to be on the "don't wanna go" business trip. Needless to say, I didn't call them right up and offer to work! I figure I'll just take some time to regroup. I'll be back on the schedule next week -that's soon enough for me.
With that, I'm off. I'm off to get a few groceries, make a little dinner and go for a walk with YS. Hopefully the dog won't be quite as entertaining as last night!
Remember, The Heart Remembers Best What It Loves The Most. (that's SO good!)
Ta Ta Ladies, have a super evening!
� grizmom at