O'd to the Cheesecake
It's a rainy, cloudy Monday today. To look outside you'd surely think it was cool and comfortable. Let me just tell ya how it REALLY is out there! I sat outside at lunch, in my car eating a nice healthy salad, windows down, radio on, only to have my hair wrecked by humidity and then have it sweated to the back of my neck. Least not we forget to add the formerly make-up covered face that now looks like a shiney grease pit! NO WONDER I'm single! I look like a trainwreck! Just lovely seeing as how it's the first day back to the 2-job business... I'll have to do some serious repair work before I can head off to job 2.Today was sons first day back to college. He called me at work just-a laughin' his guts out about the fact that he couldn't read decimal points on a ruler. Well, seeing as I can't read a ruler one iota, I failed to see it as incredibly funny but he was just in hysterics so I guess I'm glad that he's so upbeat about it.
Bathroom remodel is coming along. New ceramic tile floor is in. Wow is that nice! I'm sure I'll miss the nice warm carpet in the winter, but boy, the upkeep will be super. Sam (dog-AKA Heff or Fat Man) has made the new floor his new resting place. He plops his old fat, harry self down on that cold tile and just lays in front of the a/c vent like he owns the joint. Now, usually if there's any action anywhere in the house at all, Sam's all over it. But, laying there like he's on his own island, he merely raised his head to see if food was envolved and then rolled right back over for round 2. Too funny. Guess it's no longer just a bathroom, it's now a multi-purpose room!
Today is YS birthday. I called her up yesterday offering to make her a home made cheesecake for her birthday. Asked her what kind she wanted, etc. (she chose plain ole cherry cheesecake)She gets real quiet and says "when is it?" I just hung there dumbfounded and finally muttered out a "tomorrow." She just cracked up. "oh" she says, "I thought I had a few more days..." I reminded her that this is just the beginning and that the mind truely is the first thing to go. Needless to say, us being the way we are, we'll laugh over that for weeks.
I have a really super nice Hispanic family that lives next door to me. I just couldn't ask for any better neighbors. (Think I told you that they have 10 - yes 10 - kids) Elsa, the Mom, doesn't hardly speak a lick of English, but she's super sweet and one outstanding cook! She makes her own cheese and will bring us a hunk still encased in the fabric. OH.MY.GOD. Just give me the cheese and I'll have that for dinner! Anyway, she brought us over some crispy corn tortilla thingy with refried beans, some kind of pork, cheese, lettuce, tomato, sour cream... you name it. Of course we had to eat them, but I couldn't very well send the plate back empty. Thus, the story of cheesecake number 2! I don't know what they like or dislike, but it was something as opposed to nothing. When son took it over, (plain cheesecake with chocolate and caramel drizzle...) they were trying to eat it right off the plate right then and there. Guess it was a good guess! They're sweet people and I really should learn more about their nationality, etc. AND I need to get Elsa to teach me to cook! YUMMY!!!
The story of Cheesecake number 3... well, since everyone else was getting cheesecake, sons fiance stuck her bottom lip out and said "can't we have one for here?" Me being the weak, sucker that I am -- "sure, ok." Back to the store I went for enough goods to make yet another one.
The story of Cheesecake number 4.. no, I'm not kidding! Well, while shopping for the goods for cheesecake number 3, I decided that since I work with such great people at job 1 and they've been so good to me with the whole Dad thing... yep - just wanted to make them a little something too. So.. you guessed it..
My house smells to hi-heavens like one big fat cheesecake. I've probably gained 10 lbs or better just off the smell. You can smell it outside and you can get a real good sugar-buzz once you go inside. If all that won't wreck the ole diet, I don't know what will!
It's raining again.. (to the tune of Let It Snow) Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain...
Remember... the heart remembers best what it loved the most.
Have a good afternoon ladies!
� grizmom at