Friday's No News
WWWhhooooo yaaa!!! IT'S FRIDAY! (humming to the Friday tune of Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy - not really sure why??) Were there ever any sweeter words spoken? Well, if it were "take the day off with pay" or "sleep in" then maybe.I hadn't been sleeping very well for a few weeks now, really not since we got the news that Dad was most likely on his way out. But last night, I slept. I mean to tell you I.FLAT.SLEPT. It stormed here after midnight, branches are down all over, trash cans laying in the streets, etc.. I didn't hear a thing. Good thing it wasn't a tornado cause we'd have never heard it coming. One more night of that kind of sleep and I just might re-join the living. I can't believe how much better I'm feeling today. It might only take a cup or two of coffee to get me moving today vs the lately usual pot and 1/2.
YS daughter just loves to read. She's only 4 but always always wants to have a book read to her. I have to tell you, the name of her last book is just too funny! "Walter the farting dog." Bought at the local Wally's, I have to say I was shocked that the family-driven store had such a book! But, being the true sick chick I am, I had to get the book off the shelf and start reading it. Low and behold, it's truely about a dog with gas. The whole tummy ache, not feeling good, bloated, the "gas release", the smell... I laughed myself silly. Yet another sign that it just doesn't take much to amuse me!
I got flowers delivered to me at work yesterday. I'm sure the "shock fairy" got a huge bonus for the look that got planted on my face. Delivered to my office was a red rose and pretty blue somethings-or-others with a very sweet card. All the gals in the office just flocked around to see who they were from. I had my suspisions.. and I was right. One gal asked if they were from my ex-husband - no... (they'd have come with a bill if that was the case) One gal asked if they were from OS - NO...(told her they'd have been black and dead if they were from her) They were however, from a really nice man I met recently. He's fallen for me like just ga-ga. (poor guy!) I told him the only time I used to get flowers was when they were "I'm sorry" flowers. "I'm sorry that I made you mad" or "I'm sorry that I'm gonna make you mad..." (both of which would have been followed by me paying the bill) Much to my suprise, these flowers were sent just to let me know he was thinking of me. Do men really do that for that reason?? He was near TX heading to CA on business. How crazy is that? I may have dazzled him with my obvious family trait of brillance for a little while, but I surely can't keep up the act for long! Oh well, enjoy it while it lasts, right?
For the first time in a week the clouds have cleared a little. I can actually see some blue sky. Hurray for ANY sunshine! Even if it doesn't last and even if it rains later - who cares. A little blue sky and sunshine sure goes a long way.
Well ladies, I'm sorry to disappoint you with no big adventure again this week. Nothing incredibly funny to report.(other than the farting dog book) But, fear not, there's always tomorrow!
The heart remembers most what it loved the best...
Have a great, sunshiney weekend gals!
� grizmom at