Breath of Courage
**sigh** deep breath in, deep breath out...I went to my Dad's house for the first time in almost 2 years, and the first time since he's been gone. I was able to get Dad's wooden rocking chair. He sat there and read, worked crossword puzzles, watched tv and basically ignored everyone else. But it was his. As I turned to go, hanging on the kitchen chair was his light blue, long sleeved, dickie. Sleeves turned up one turn - just waiting for him. The tears just came. It looks like it's just waiting there for him, just like he left it the night of his first stroke. I wanted to grab it and hold onto it. I wanted to bring it home and hang it on his rocking chair. The deafening silence was so loud and the reality of him being gone has set in. As YS was leaving the house, a man walked up and asked if Dads truck was still for sale. YS wanted to tell him no...
This is so hard.
The heart remembers best what it loved the most...
� grizmom at