Smile, It's Tuesday...
Men sure do have a natural way about them don't they? Like making themselves look like complete idiots like it's second nature? Lordy! The Flower Man (who's been kicked to the curb) wanted to know what it would take for "a feller to get in my britches?" (PC - stop laughing!) Are you kidding me? Well, I sent him a note that said I don't really know but I'll just tell you you ain't done it yet. (little does he know that NO amount of effort is ever going to get him there either!) Needless to say, YS just cracked up when I told her this and she wanted to call me up and ask me again what a feller would have to do... Can you feel the love here?It's allergy-irritation day again today. Worse than yesterday, not as bad as last week. Many more days of this and I'll be so ready for a good hard freeze. The itching in the back of my throat and ears is just making me crazy, not to mention the itchy/tingly feeling in my nose. Then lets add the minimum of 10 sneezes per hour and itchy, watery eyes. One look in the mirror and I'm asking myself why any feller would wanna get in my britches, I look like crap! hahaha
I've made up my mind - I'm going back to school. I'll take 1-2 credits at a time if I have to, but I'm doing it! Hold me to it ladies. I'm calling the college today to have them run my transcript and figure out what I'm still needing. I'll do what I can online and then go from there. I'm quite excited about it. Guess I've finally reached the "old enough" age that I'm ready? Who knows, all I know is I've made up my mind and now I intend to make it happen! YEAH for me!!!
Prettiest Cousin, I know you've been going to Curves. How do you like it? We have one here too but I never hear anything about it. Is it money well spent? How many times a week do you go or how many times a week would a fat-actress have to go to get her monies worth? (and of course get results) Not only am I determined to get my degree, I'm somewhat determined (for the moment anyway) to not be the fat-actress anymore!
At job 2, we've started getting hurricane survivors with Red Cross vouchers/debit cards. They just look like they're in a daze. It just makes me feel so bad. They look so lost and just in a state of shock. I don't know how I think they should look, but I just can't IMAGINE what they must think and feel, if anything at all. It sure put things in perspective for me.
Has everyone been thinking about their favorite Friday songs? I have. I just have so many that it's hard to pick just one. Even if I could pick 3 or 4 it wouldn't be enough! The week starts off one way, with one song, then takes many turns along the 5 days until you've made your way to 7-8 songs come Friday. HHmmmm.... crazy.
I need therapy! (I bet you didn't know THAT did ya?) I've gotten addicted to Bolthouse Vanilla Chai Tea. (it looks like chocolate milk) I just can't get enough of it, and drink it every single day. It's like Protein Perfect I think it says on the bottle. I buy 3 jugs a week, every week. EVERY week. Son thinks I need some sort of AA something or other with 12 steps. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking AA or the 12 Steps or anything else, it's an awesome program.. Son just thinks I can never break the habit on my own. Unfortunately, he's probably right.
Remember the "don't wanna go" business trip to NC? It's back on in November. And, you guessed it, I don't wanna go!
I don't know much else really. Everyone has been pretty good about updating and I just didn't want to make the "people who don't update" list. At least not yet.
Have a great day ladies!
The heart remembers best what it loved the most.
Follow up: call to college regarding transcript and classes - check call to curves regarding joining and schedule - check
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