Stop My Whining!
I've been kinda whinny about the whole wedding thing. So, last night I watched Human Trafficing. OH.MY.GOD. I know you hear about it and you've even seen some documentaries on it here and there - but this movie - I can't begin to tell you what I thought. I thought I couldn't keep watching it but I sure couldn't turn the channel. Then, tonight, I watched Extreme Home Makeover. I really do need to have my rear-end kicked up between my ears. I have nothing to complain about. Absolutely N.O.T.H.I.N.G.I was thinking about the folks that Lizzygizzy gave a ride to - the folks who are now living in the tent and all the man wanted was a way to make coffee. I sure suck. I have so much and really in the scheme of things have lost very little in comparison to so many other people. I obviously need to be reminded of this every single day. Lizzygizzy, is there public transportation that we could buy them a ticket or pass for to help them get around? Or some days in a hotel that we could pay for? I don't really have a clue what else you/we can do but I do know that I'd be more than happy to chip in on anything.
I didn't go for a walk today but I raked. And raked. AND RAKED. I raked and bagged leaves until I thought I just couldn't pick up another leaf. The poor pick-up guy will just want to pass by my house in the morning when he not only sees the usual green tote full, but the 90-bazillion bags to boot. I raked and scooped and bagged and smooshed over and over and over trying to get them all picked up. Why I bother I'm not really sure because I'll just have to do it again next weekend. But, I'm hoping 1 or 2 more rounds of this and it'll all be down. Then it'll be time to check the snowblower and batten down the hatches for winter. Soon I'll be wha-whaaing about having to scoop instead of rake. Remind me again about those folks who have reason to complain but aren't!!
On that note, I need to shower and get ready for another Monday. It's a 2 job day and I'll be good and pooped by the time my head hits the pillow, but thank God I'm able to work.
Have a good week ladies!
The heart remembers most what it loved the best.
� grizmom at