Chocolate and the Ponytail Fettish
I'm happy to report that I ate chinese AND went for a walk last night. I know I should have skipped the chinese but.. I had no control. I LOVE chinese food. No, I didn't eat it in moderation either, I ate the W.H.O.L.E. T.H.I.N.G. Just dang-near licked the plate clean too! It was yummy! I then wanted to lay my full fat actress self down on the couch and stay there, but I managed a walk.You see, YS has been sicky - nasal junk - and needed some antibiotics, which I happened to have in my posession - LEGALLY - so I walked my fat full self about 8 blocks each way to her house and back again. I did trot a pretty good clip in an honest effort to get something out of the walk, so I was pretty proud of my fat full self.
Let me tell you something absolutely hillarious! YS has the psycho dog - Chocolate. Part something, part something else.. but very jolly. Great disposition. But.. he can't STAND anyone sporting a ponytail. So, needless to say, I got down on the floor to play with YS's daughter and Chocolate attcks my head, pulling and tugging and pawing until he has ripped all my hair out of the ponytail holder and I'm looking like I just crawled out of the back seat of a car, and he successfully rans away with the ponytail holder... He's proud - very proud! YS and I are laughing ourselves sick. We're laughing and crying and snorting.. YS grabbed her camera and snapped some shots of the attack which I'm sure shows my fat actress self wrestling the dog and looking all dishoveled while trying to save my hair. I'm sure you had to see it to appreciate the absolute hysteria.
It's brrrr cold today. I'm warm blooded but it's chilly. It's at least 20 degrees cooler today than yesterday and chance of rain. Rumor has it that north west by about 3 hours, it's snowing already. I'm not quite ready for that. I still have the last of the leaves to pick up. That was going to be this weekends project. Hmmmm maybe not! Maybe I will have to lay on the couch, crochet and watch movies all weekend. Wouldn't that be just too bad?
7 weeks left til the end of the year. Can you believe it? Only 2 weeks til Thanksgiving. That just seems wrong doesn't it? I have 2 days vacation in November plus 2 days of holiday. Then I have 2 days of vacation in December plus holiday pay from 12/26/05 thru 1/1/06. Isn't that just awesome!? Did I mention that I LOVE my job??
242 days until the wedding. That sounds like plenty of time but I know it will sneak up on my while I'm laying on the damn couch. The invitations have been selected and YS is working on a proto-type for them and she'll make them for them. She's so sweet. Outside of that... I'm clueless. Just tell me where to be and when, and of course, how much money I need to bring.
I have a meeting with the local college here in a couple weeks. I'm really looking forward to getting back at my schooling. It will be slow going I'm sure, especially since it's been years since I studied like that, but I'm excited and really ready to get this thing going. It will be worth it in the long run. Wish me well!
The Flower Guy had been calling and emailing from time to time. He decided last week that I suck and he could have gotten more compassion from a prostitute. What the heck's up with that freak? I haven't heard from him since and if he's smart, I won't hear from him either.
Job 2 has been absolutely crazy. We're short handed by an average of 7 people a day. It sure does make for some ugliness. Customers get short tempered and angry and say nasty things when they have to wait in line, etc. Then we're usually out of bags/sacks and receipt tape. GOOD GRIEF!! We're a multi billion dollar company and we can't keep the basics in the house? AND, we can't keep ourselves staffed properly?? It just stinks and there's no improvement to the already bad shit-u-ation in sight. **sigh** If I didn't love that damn job, I'd quit!
Ok, enough whining and carrying on like a small child. I better get back to work.
Have a super hump-day ladies! Walk walk walk and Update update update!
The heart remembers best what it loved the most.
� grizmom at