There Is No Promise Of Tomorrow... Today
I don't have much to report but this is weighing heavy heavy heavy on my mind tonight.I have an emergency police scanner in my office. Why? Who knows, it was there when I started and it provides some noise and lots of times, some humor.
Anyway... about 4pm today, the bells go off "hastings medical emergency".. possible 10-xx whatever.. car/train accident. Hwy 6 and road ??, which made the accident WAY east of town and a bit north. I'm listening to the EMS folks yammering back and forth and you can hear the sirens blaring in the background. My heart just sank. I was glued to this thing like it was my life. I hear them talking about a man who is out of the vehicle and standing by the car. I'm thinking, ok, thank you God that he's alright. That little tid-bit was followed up by "better get the jaws of life out here and we'll need an ambulance so we can have something to cover up the body when we get it out." I nearly puked. I have no idea who was in this accident, and who knows if I'd even know them, but I'm just really upset about it all for some reason. I have to stay up 10 more minutes and watch the news. Hopefully it will put my mind at ease and I can let it go.
I said an extra prayer tonight, thanking God that it wasn't my family and that all were accounted for safe and sound.
Love eachother today for tomorrow is not promised.
The heart remembers best what it loved the most.
� grizmom at