Keeping Up With PC :)
Ok, if PC can update AND move, I can surely update too.I hate job 2. I hate the place, the people, the mere thought. Retail at Christmas just sucks. Thank GOD I'm on the final count down til the dreaded unhappy shoppers are through. Oh wait, then it'll be the dreaded unhappy returners. I can't win.
Anyway... the car/train accident.. there was actually 3 kids from the college where my son goes. I'm still just sick about it, even though I didn't know a one of them. The boy driving lived. His girlfriend died. They were cleaning up the wreckage when they discovered another body under the truck. They didn't even know it was there until then. How horrible. I'm still just completely blown away about it. I drempt about it last night and about another lady I know who's son (my sons age) was killed by a train in February - Valentine's Day. I drempt that I wrote her a long letter telling her how sorry I was about Cody and that I couldn't imagine her pain. What's wrong with me? Why can't I shake this? I don't know, but I sure can't. It sure does make the hugs a little longer and tighter in this house.
My feet are on fire from running my fat little chicken legs off tonight. That concrete floor just about does me in after 7 hours. I'll be sleeping with ice packs on them as it does help. And ALIEVE, oh thank you GOD for Alieve! :) It's become my new best friend since Vioxx isn't available any more. SSShhhhhh... I still have a Vioxx stash but I take it only when the pain is unbearable. My heals are throbbing and the arch of my feet feel like they're one big cramp. Did I already mention how much I hate that job?
Well, this fat actress is gonna hit the hay. I can't wait until tomorrow when I can do it all over again. Hopefully tonight will be more of a sound sleep. My thoughts and prayers are certainly not far from the families grieving the loss of their children tonight. I just thank GOD that I don't know that kind of pain and sorrow.
The heart remembers best what it loved the most.
� grizmom at