Monday Stuff...
The business trip from last year is back on for February. I've made up my mind that I will go with an open mind and that I can surely find my way from Charolette to Davidson, in the dark, by myself. Right?? Sure... Not to mention that near 5 hour lay over in Chicago. I hate that airport almost more than I hate anything else. I just want to get it over.I was trying to help son finish laying the oak flooring in the kitchen last night. I think he's fired me! :) He was holding up the refrigerator like a manly man and my job was to hit the board with the hammer to get it under the refrig and snuggly butted up against the previous board. Sounds simple enough right? It's like a tongue and groove type set up, so I'm tapping the board carefully as to not break off the tongue part of the newest board. Mind you son is still holding the refrig up in the air. Finally he bellers "if you're gonna hit that board, hit the damn thing!" He kicks the board on his end which flings the other end out and away from the project, but, smack dab into the front of my toes. I didn't have any shoes on so I'm hopping and yelling and whining and cursing around the kitchen like a little baby. It hurt SO bad and son really did feel bad about it. Today it's fine, no lasting marks or bruises but I'd have swore last night that the toes would have to be amputated. Guess that's what you get for free help huh? :)
I was sitting in my office doing some double checking of paperwork when over the scanner comes "officer needed at job 2 - missing money bag." HOLY CRAP! I can't imagine what the hell happened to that baby. Somebody's head will roll for that little foo-pa. Tonight should be interesting.
I didn't do any quilting this weekend. I did laundry and dishes and picked up the house AND the dog doo and read my book but no quilting. I only have 2 or 3 rows left to have the top all put together but do you think I could get 'er done? Nope. Hopefully next weekend I can at least finish up the last few rows of the top. The batting and the bottom material are just laying there looking at me... they know I should have this all done by now.
Son is bidding on E-bay on an enclosed trailer for his business. He's found one he's after - in Minnesota. Road trip anyone?? I hope he gets it though, my house runneth over with tools and construction stuff. He really needs someplace to put all the stuff besides in my house and garage.
Did you see the story on CNN about the vengeful mouse? An 81 year old man caught a mouse in his house and tossed him into a pile of burning leaves in his yeard. The mouse caught fire and ran back into the mans house, burning that thing to the ground. Can you imagine that? And, does your homeowners insurance cover that?? I'd never want to make the news, but particularly not with a story like that!
I talked to PC on the phone last night for the better part of an hour. She's absolutely a nut! Her kids are yammering in the background and she's trying not to cough up a lung the whole time. PC said I have to come visit, which I'd love to do, but her hubby says I have to put deer whistles on my car. Apparently he's seeing alot of road kill in their new neck of the woods. I hate to tell him, but if I come for a visit, I'm not driving! :) It was GOOD GOOD GOOD to talk to PC last night. Probably haven't talked to her in person for months. Makes me remember why I love her so much. We talked and laughed and talked and laughed! I'm so glad she's feeling better and is adjusting to the whole emu thing!
We had a B.E.A.utiful weekend here. The weather was just perfect. Today however, it's chilly and grey gloomy looking. Looks like it could either rain or snow or both. I hope not. I know it's January and all, but I'm really ready for things to turn green and be all growing and pretty.
I don't know much else for now. Have a great week ladies!
The heart remembers best what it has loved the most.
� grizmom at