Catchin' Ya Up
Good morning! After a handful of ibuprofin and about 6 hours of sleep, I'm feeling much better. I still want the Smirnoff, but I'll save that for 4:01 today. However, the cup-o-java has yet to kick in and start doing it's job.I ordered the 6 books for my ONE class from Then, much to my dismay, the book I need next to continue my "learning" (Team Dynamics is the name) had already been sold when I ordered it. So, I had to re-order it, which is fine, but it's like 4-6 days to get here. I don't want to lose my current state of "drive" or fall behind. I'd really like to dedicate Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings (a couple hours each day) to getting this class knocked out as quickly as possible. I'm sure I'll be fine, I'm just over reacting.
Job 1 will be hosting a huge sha-bang in June for the 25th anniversary of the company being here. Have you heard of a band called The Rumbles? They play a huge variety of music, usually music that someone else recorded, but they're wonderful! I booked'em yesterday for our bash. We're all kinds of excited about that around here! They play a great rendition of "Play That Funky Music White Boy!" (go ahead and shake that thing, nobody's watching) There'll be carnival things, bingo, bbq, plant tours, etc.. the whole enchilada. I'm excited to be part of the whole big bad deal.
I've been really REALLY good about my eating this week. Yes, I've slipped up a time or two, but overall, I've been a VERY good dieter. I haven't done much in the way of exercise, but, one thing at a time right? I was reading about how the body is made up of 65% water. Well, I personally think that mine is 65% fat, but anyway... I'm not a huge water drinker but I've been forcing myself to drink dang near 2 big thermos' full every day. No pop and only 1 cup-o-jave daily. A good roast beef sandwich on wheat bread, baked lay chips, oranges and/or bananas. Sometimes a roasted chicken sandwich from Subway for dinner - no chips, no pop. And, fat free honey mustard on the sandwich... pretty good effort for me. And, having been able to really stick to this for 2 weeks has been a huge success for me too. Overall, I'm feeling pretty good about it. Funny, I sure do feel better when I eat right and drink plenty of got-to-pea in the middle of the night water! :)
I'm on the Wellness and Recreation committees at job 1, which I really enjoy. Anyway, we were planning our new year of activities on Wednesday. We decided to do a Fitness Frenzy - Extreme Makeover Style. We're not sure what all that's gonna include, but it sure is fun planning it. We've been trying to plan a "tool kit" for "making over onesself." Althought we probably won't do a "tool belt" we'll come up with something like a water bottle, pedometer, healthy snacks, healthy information, t-shirts, etc. Have I mentioned how much I love this job?? :)
I paid sons last tuition payment on Monday. Oh yeah, and my first. What a trade huh? That's ok. He's doing really well and I'm happy for him. I'm happy for me too - because his is done and because mine is finally started. Oh happy happy joy joy! And, it's Friday! :)
Not only is it Friday, the weather is supposed to be like 50's or better. Then, of course next week rain and snow.. but I'll take what I can get right now!
Maybe since I don't have the book I need for my class I will be able to do some quilting this weekend. I work on Sunday too, but I would REALLY like to finish the 3 rows of quilt top that have taken over the table! And, I really wouldn't need to do much to put the backing together either. Oh the plans... they're just endless.
The 2 cent stamp frenzy is on at job 2. We sell stamps but boy howdy, we sure can't keep 2 cent-r's in for love nor money. The people are irritated because they've stood in line only to be told "I'm sorry, we're out of them." Like we have control over who can buy'em and how many they can buy? Oh yeah, sure we do. Oh well.. they can go to the post office just like we do to get some of their very own. :)
That's about all I have to report. No emu's, no wild animal kingdom, no neighbors on motorized golf carts looking for goats. I just can't compete with that.
Have a wonderful weekend ladies!
The heart remembers best what it has loved the most.
� grizmom at