Does life hand you lemons?
Have you ever looked at your life and been just disappointed that things weren't different? That's where I've been lately. Especially the last week.Job 1 is good, however there is one gal there that sets me up to fail every chance she gets. She's not held accountable for A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G. she does or doesn't do. It's ALWAYS someone else's fault. That makes my fire burn. And, she's the company busy-body. Knows everyone's business and goings ons. I hate hate hate that. Unfortunately, we have the same supervisor and the supervisor won't enforce anything to make things different. **sigh**
Then, job 2. It just gets worse and worse. The workers, the manager, the customers. Nobody's happy. Ever. Including myself. You can't just go in and do your job and go home anymore. (be it, doing your job as well as you can...) You go in and everyone cries and whines and complains about who went to break first and why are they going to lunch early and can they leave early because they have a hangnail. Then add a heaping dose of being short anywhere from 2-6 people a day, just in my area. Then you have the customers. The "everyone owes me" customers mostly. Like we should be paying them for shopping there. The ones that swear the price it rang up at is wrong and that we're trying to cheat them. The ones that need to be babysat throughout the store-in every stinking isle, to ensure they get exactly what they wanted without having to look for themselves. Ever. The store manager's statement to us about being short handed was "I don't care, I'm going home. I'll tell someone else so they can care." So, you stand there with your jaw dropped and mutter out a "huh?"
No better way to not give a rip eh?
If my car was paid off and the impending wedding wasn't looming unpaid around the corner, and, 99% on my dime, I'd be the hell out of there. There are 8 of us that are front end supervisors, but one quit on Monday.
In her exit interview with the "I don't care" manager he asked her about why she chose to leave. She brought up issues that we've of course brought up before, over and over. He says "I'm not aware of any issues." ARE YOU FRIGGIN' KIDDING ME???
Then, last week, I was somewhat introduced via YS and a friend of hers, to a "nice man." We talked on line several times and decided we'd try to meet as a group. About an hour before we were all to meet to go to dinner, he calls YS's friend and says he's stuck at the lake and how his boat had broke down. Ok, whatever. Things happen. So, I tell YS to just scrap those plans and we'd see about something else some other time. Well, that was Saturday. I didn't hear a word from him until Monday. And it wasn't much about being sorry for things. But it was "I'll get ahold of you tomorrow (tuesday)" Haven't heard from him since. OK you big fat jerk, I can do without you in my life. I have a friend who has access to background info.. HA! He had a dui in 1998 and a speeding ticket. Basic stuff. BUT, he owes the credit bureau on several - like more than 4 - judgements! I know people get behind and I can overlook alot of that, but when you're a jerk to boot... loser.
But, I have to admit, that for a few moments, I envisioned the possibility of my life being different. That perhaps I wouldn't be alone all my life, having someone close by to share things with. And then, he turns out to be a creep. Go figure.
It's just disappointing I guess. I'm really starting to believe that I am one of those people destined to just be alone. I should learn to live with that and get on with business huh?
I hate it when I feel like my life sucks and that most of it's my own fault. I just hate that.
Alright, enough boo hooing about that stuff. I'm sure I've bored you all to death.
Have a great day.
� grizmom at