Wedding or..... Not
PC - I can't begin to tell you how sad we are for you and your family. We were absolutely stunned at the news. I know we're bunches of miles apart, but that's not so in our hearts.We're down to 9 weeks until the wedding. I.BLEW.MY.STACK over the weekend about the whole thing. Daughter-in-laws parents are doing N.O.T.H.I.N.G. yeah, notta, zippo... not so much as a phone call asking if there's anything they can do to help.
Sons father is now offering up $100. He'd have liked to have made it $300 but he needed to fix his boat and that was $500. So, sorry. Oh yeah, and he's not helping either. BUT -- HE'S THE GOD BLESSED BEST MAN!!!!!!!!!
I blasted son and daughter-in-law about being so far removed from the whole wedding planning thing that there's no way possible they could be LESS involved. No way.
Here's just a FEW highlights of the blowout:
me to dil - do your clothes need hemmed? dil - yeah. me to dil -did you call someone? dil - no, i didnt know who to call.
me to dil - who's going to do your hair? dil - i don't know. me to dil -CALL SOMEONE!
me to both of them - where are we at with the hay rack ride? dil - bob's working on it. son - oh really, you talked to him? dil - no, i thought you did.
me to both of them - do you have some music picked out? dil - yeah, there's that one song we kinda like. me - by who? dil - i don't know.
me to both of them - we need 9 sheet cakes to go with the wedding cake. since you didn't make a decision about what kind, i made the decision. son - eww, i won't eat that kind.
me to both of them - where are we having the rehersal dinner? both of them - i dunno.
me to both of them - what do we need to get for the remaining attendant/helper gifts? son - i don't really know her family that's in the wedding. (ok, fine) me to dil - tell me about these people. dil - i don't really know. WTF???? nobody knows but they managed to make their way into the damn wedding???
PC - you can quit your gut-busting laughter now!
Can you all feeeeeeeelll my frustration?? I'm telling you, I screamed and yelled and cursed and cried my eyes out.
Son and dil packed a bag and stated they were moving out. LIARS!!! Big Fat Liars!!! They never left the curb. Damn my bad luck anyway.
I know I don't mean it, but I don't know what more I can do when nobody can make a shittin' decision about anything. **sigh**
Thank GOD today we were all able to go back to work. That's the highlight of my weekend y'all.
� grizmom at