How can it be so long since I posted???
I can hardly believe it�s the week before Christmas. What I CAN believe is that on Thursday, at 11:01pm, I�m officially on Christmas break from job 1 AND job 2. I have so much I want to do while I�m off, sleeping in, wearing sweats, until January 2nd when I return to job 1, and January 3rd when I return to job 2.I have big plans for sleeping in. Did I mention that already? Oh yeah, and quilting. And napping. I will also have granddog detail too. We now have 5, yes 5, dogs at my humble little house. 3 granddogs and then my 2. I have Sadie (10 yrs) and Sam (9 yrs), miniature Shelties; the kids have Lilly (2 yrs), the Shitzu, Pete (9 yrs), the Black Lab, and now Benilli (8 weeks), the Brown Lab Pointer. I can�t hang onto that last name so I call her Slippers. Her little toes on each foot have just the tips painted white. They look like they�ve been slipped into slippers. So, to Grandma, she�ll be known as Slippers.
Sadie thinks Slippers is really a source of irritation and should just go back wherever she came from. Sam LOVES her, plays with her� Pete � well he tried to eat her. And Lilly, OH.MY.GOSH! POUT POUT POUT! When you try to talk to her, she turns her head away from you in disgust. Oh yeah, she�s got the jealousy just oozing out of her like a green, sticky goo. It�s not very flattering and I tried to talk to her about it. Believe me when I say �she doesn�t give a crap!�
The Wellness committee at job 1 did a real smart fundraiser for the Military Hospital in Germany. For the US Soldiers there receiving treatment. It�s a great cause. BUT� only 3 of the team members vs. 6 showed up to help. All weekend. Starting a 2pm on Friday until 11pm last night. We baked 72 trays of 42 pieces each of cookies and candy. Yeah, we made $720 for our cause, but holy CRAP! I also had to work job 2 � so add a good dose of Christmas retail to that. AND, then we caught a towel on fire in her kitchen. I thought I smelled something burning, and sure enough, one of us had tossed a towel into the candle and it was burning ever so nicely. Thank GOD it wasn�t her house burning.
10 days to the big 3-8 for me. I remember my Mom being 30-something-ish and my LORD that woman was old. I was never EVER going to be as old as her. Ever. But oops, somehow it snuck up on me and whaa-laa.. Here I am. Inching ever so closer to 40. Oh well, it�s better than not having the chance to have any more I guess.
Junkmel, have you made plans to see your Mom over Christmas? I think about you so much and find myself all but jealous (but as always, loving you to pieces) that you still have that opportunity.
I have been thinking a lot about my parents and how much I miss them. I would give about anything to hear one of my Dad�s old boring heard-it-before war/ship stories. The ones that I used to roll my eyes at every time he started in. You know the kind. Or hear him say �you didn�t do that the first time I seen you.� And I would again, roll my eyes in disgust, all the while thinking well DUH!!! Of course I didn�t! And what I�d give to hear my Mom bellering a song in the kitchen in her blue housecoat; �I asked my Mother, what will I be? Will I be pretty, will I be rich? Here�s what she said to me. Kea sera sera. Whatever will be, will be. The future�s not ours to see. Kea sera sera.� I can still hear her yodeling or talking like Donald duck, or laughing hysterically at having just super glued her thumbnail down to her billfold. I was thinking yesterday about the �scent� of my Grandparents (my Mother�s parents) basement. They�re gone now too of course, but I can smell the musty scent in that basement and smell Grandpa�s tobacco in the room with the piano. I can smell Grandma�s spare room in the basement too, the one with all the canned goods. The room where the old exercise bike was. Ok, enough of memory lane, I�ll have myself in tears if I don�t stop.
OS and YS and myself, and our families got together at Applebee�s Saturday night for a Christmas dinner. It was really a good time! It was good to get everyone together for something fun for a change. We all laughed and talked and carried on. We need to do it more often.
Son broke his wrist on Wednesday. Some small sledgehammer mishap. Anyway, he�s sporting a nice cast clear up his thumb. Oh that joy of having your children on their OWN insurance policy! J
Well, that�s about all I know for now. I think and dream of being in the Caymans regularly. I would take Christmas on a sandy beach any old day.
Happy Holidays everyone!
� grizmom at