News from smallville
Another weekend of home improvements draws to an end. Nearly 2 years after it started, the bathroom is done, complete with new washer & dryer.Hunky-dunky showed up Friday with a brand new set. That's very very nice considering my old washer sounded like it was taking flight and shook things off the walls, AND, would flop the lid open because it spun so hard. And the dryer would take 2-3 runs before a batch would be clear dry. So... that should help! Son and Hunky-dunky finished the Wayne's Coating on the walls and the last 10 tiles or so are down and grouted and done. It's done all but a couple pieces of trim. I can decorate around that! :)
Hunky-dunky also brought home a new bbq grill. We put it together, together, and he encouraged me to try it. I've been scared of the grill for years and won't use it. When I was pregnant, some 21+ years ago, my younger sister was lighting the grill and a fire ball came busting out and singed all long blonde hair. SCARED THE HELL out of me. Been afraid of it ever since. So, with the new grill put together, I bravely turned the know to the "flame" and pushed the ignite button. A quiet, small swoosh and it was lit. I was suprised. Suprised that I was still so scared of it, and suprised at how easy it was. So easy that I did the bbqing last night, steaks and chicken kabobs, and burgers and hot dogs tonight. I'm feeling pretty confident tonight! LOL
The new grill came with a small recipe book. Of course I LOVE recipes, and nothings better than new ones! BBQ'd fruit! Pineapple, apples, strawberries, on a skew and then you dip them in chocolate. Oh yeah, I think we should make those. :)
I'm the proud owner of a new MP3 player, that by the way, I barely know how to use. I did manage to get some tunes on it though. But when you "click and drag" the tunes you want and then "sync" it drags over all the tunes, even the ones I didn't want. But, hey, I can turn the thing off and on! That's a start I guess.
Tonights discussion was about the new addition on the back of the house. Wow, I can almost see it coming to pass. Unfortunately, my son (my carpenter who works for room and board) has inherited the "gonna-do" gene from my late Dad. He's "gonna do" this and "gonna-do" that until he makes me FRIGGIN CRAZY! I love him, but man! So anyway, I guess the plan is to get going on the addition.
It has rained here most of the weekend, and I'm SICK of it! SICK SICK SICK of it! Bring on the sunshine! Plus, Hunky-dunky wants to ride the motorcycle and Mother Nature isn't cooperating!
That's about it from smallville. Have a great day lady!
� grizmom at