News from here...
Happy 4th everyone! I hope everyone is safe and has a great day.Loki: I DO have alot of great memories. The more I think about them, the more I have. I think I will jot them down and maybe someday when I'm gone, someone else will read them and think wow, that must have been great. Thanks for the idea!
Junkmel, I hope you're surviving between the kids, the ball games, hubby, work and the look-what-we-did-need-a-cookie good works of home! I got the same damn thing here lately and I feel for you.
Nobody gives me a cookie for anything I do but boy, when THEY do it... it's supposed to be big news??? WTF? Well, for the past 2 weeks, they haven't DONE anything but ride their new motorcycles which is another whole big long story in itself. But it reminds me of my ex-husband and his race car. NOTHING was more important than the almighty racer and now nothing is more important than those fucking motorcycles.
I don't hate the motorcycles, Lordy, HD and I have one of our own. But it's not the only thing we have to do in a day. I love them and all, but they H.A.V.E. G.O.T. 2. G.O.!!!! They can't afford for me to be their maid and I didn't quit job 2 to do that. I'm fixing to give them the altimatum(sp?) that they will pay me $200 rent each month AND help around here or they can go. I can't beGIN to tell you the goings on here over the last 2 weeks or so. But I can tell you that I haven't hardly spoken 20 words to the two of them. I can't stand the sight of them and I sure as hell don't want anything to do with them. And that's not like me. But I'm at my limit and if DIN had ANY clue how close I am to killing her with my bare hands, she'd be VERY afraid. There, now I feel much better... :)
HD and I are the proud owners of a new camper. I never EVER thought I'd want to do that again. Needless to say, camping was NOT a good piece of history for me when I was married. But things are different now. We don't have to take any kids of our own and we don't have to take any fishing poles. AND, HD will help me maintain things, clean them up and get it ready to go again. That'll sure make things different all the way around. We plan to put a hitch on my blazer and his truck both so we can pull it with either. (it's a light weight trailer for just a couple old folks) And we plan to be able to take the dogs with us when we go, and when we take the truck, we can put our motorcycle in the back or our bicycles, and just do our own thing. Have y'all ever had a mountain pie? I hadn't until I went to PA, but I now plan to have them often! HD went to Cabela's and bought damn-near every kind of cast iron pie maker they had. They're cast iron and they press together. But you put 2 pieces of bread in them and fill them with anything from pizza or spaghetti to pie filling or pudding. Then you close them and cook them a bit over the fire and whaaa-la. Mountain pies. They're TO DIE FOR! HD is so excited about them he can barely contain himself. He's so funny.
We had a wonderful thunderstorm here this morning, so I've been awake for hours. Been to Wally's and have the laundry and dishes done. So my day is set. YS has to work until noon so Princess Stinkfoot is coming over til then to hang out with me. My dogs are sacked out in front of the fan like it's a holiday or something. Life is good. (oh yeah, bratty kids are still sleeping)
I don't know much else, but I wish you all a great holiday!
� grizmom at