Cafeine not required!
No need for coffee in the morning if you can just scare the living crap out of yourself! That'll get your heart started!After leaving HD at his truck for the week, I zoomed home to hop in the shower before work. I had to go early since I had to go to the dentist this afternoon.
I hopped in and hopped out and grabbed the blow dryer. I gooped up my hair and plugged in the blow dryer like every other morning and flipped my big head-o-hair upside down and started drying. About 10 seconds later, she blew. I mean SHE BLEW. A blue fireball the size of a grapefruit puffed out the back end of my blow dryer and she was done. So was the GFI plug-in. I screamed like the girl I am and threw it. I thought for a minute my hair was on fire, thank goodness it was still wet or it might have been. I wasn't sure but I thought I might have crapped my drawers. I was shaking like a leaf as I searched for DIL's blow dryer to try and get finished. The plug in the bathroom has to be replaced and so did the blow dryer.
Like I said, no need for coffee!
� grizmom at