What goes around comes around...
I've been busy cleaning house and using my very own, brand new - vacuum. That's right ladies and gents, I am the proud owner of a Bissell Momentum. Actually, I have to give all the credit to OS. She searched and read and re-searched and re-read until she found this to be the very best vacuum. So, she bought it. Then, a few months later, YS's vac went ka-put so she took it on good authority that this was a top-notch vac and got one for herself. Needless to say, it runs in the family. My vac too went ka-plooey, so I borrowed YS's to give it a try. OHMYGOSH!! I've never been so grossed out! I SWORE I had been doing an "ok" job with my old-not-working-so-hot-anymore vacuum, but this bad boy makes me think of the white-glove test in "how clean is your house." Yeah, I'd never pass that test. Also, no foamy filters to get clogged up with dog hair. AMEN!I'm also getting a new stainless steel refrig and stove on Wednesday so I've been cleaning up and cleaning out all that crap. OH the junk I've thrown away. I AM my mothers daughter I guess. I had kept (and now parted with) some of the damdest things...
There was a horrible horrible motorcycle/automobile accident here last night, out by the new Walmart store. I heard it looked like it had "rained motorcycle parts." That was about 6:oopm I guess. At about 8:00pm, YS called me to say she was headed to the hospital with her daughter to see daughters dad (aka sperm donor) before he went to surgery - it was him in the accident. He has a really nicely broken in 3 places leg and a concussion. Other than that, and the fact that he was DRINKING... he's fine. Made me want to grab that broken leg that's now got a shiney new rod in it and whack it a good one. Surgeon said 12-16 weeks and he'll pretty much be good as new. Darn, we were hoping for new and improved... I wanted him gone, but I meant like ride off into the sunset gone. He's in ICU until supposedly sometime today and can be released as early as Sunday night. Hope his good ole buddies that encourage his bad choices such as drinking and riding plan to take care of him because not only is YS not doing it, neither is any of his family from Iowa. We called them last night and they really weren't too concerned about it. His step dad told me "hmm, well, hope everything turns out ok." Oh the bridges we burn. His drunk friends were there in the surgery waiting room with us and all they wanted to know was "how's the bike, can we see it, can we get it, is there a tow charge?" One blubbering idiot went on and on about how he built that bike and he's sure sperm-donor will have him do the estimate and do the work... blah blah blah... I so badly wanted to say "Oh, YOOOUUUUU build that hunk-o-junk. You should really get a new profession because that thing ran like shit, and now it IS shit!" YS wanted to offer up her wheel-borrow for them to us to "scoop up" what's left of it. The frame is even broken. The police officer said the helmet saved his life. He flew 20-30 feet and in the end, landed on his head. Too bad it won't knock any sense into him. Guess what goes around really does come around. He's been terribly rotten to people for a long time and he's finally getting a little of it back.
I have the probably 1/2 of my Christmas shopping done. I ordered the kids a laptop from Dell. That will be all they get. That's ENOUGH! :) HD, well, I've been browsing and whatnot and have a few things bought. Last night I was in Kmart and they were having a buy one get one 1/2 off for jeans. HD is HARD on jeans, so I nabbed a couple pair of them. I have to shop for a couple more things for him, and for a couple more people and I'll be done. YEAHH HAW!!
Tomorrow, it's supposed to be a whopping 71 degrees here. Clearly we can't make up our minds here in the middle of nowhere as to whether it's fall/winter or spring/summer. I have a couple windows open in the house today as well as the screen door open, which I might add, has its view occupied by 3 sleeping hounds. Nose to nose with the window in the door. It's all about the view I guess. Wears 'em out. And, watching them sleep like that wears me out. Oh wait, maybe that was cleaning house that did it??...
HD's son is coming from Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving. (hense the house cleaning...) We're looking forward to having him here for about 5 days. He's 20 and goes to Penn State. He recently broke up with his long time girlfriend too. He had a really hard time with that. Thank goodness he's very close to his Mom and HD both and he spent alot of time talking to them through all of this. He seems to be doing much better now, thank goodness.
That's about it from here.. Have a good one girls!
� grizmom at