Need some cheese to go with my whine!
Like a whirlwind, Christmas has come and gone. We went to YS's house and HD made a marathon breakfast for everyone. I swear, in his previous life he was Rachele Ray! Betty Crocker doesn't have anything on him either! It was fun to watch YS & her BF's kids (4 total) with all their new things. They have 2 girls, 4yrs & 6yrs and twin boys, 2 yrs. They had a great time.I have to say, I fared well from ole St. Nick! I must have even better than I thought I was! I landed the newest George Foreman grill with the interchangeable grills, a new electric blanket and the Kitchen Aid stand mixer. (You know, the kind that almost does all the dishes and laundry too??) 2 of the very best, most special things I got were 2 Precious Moments figurines. One reads "for the sweetest tu-lips in town" and the other reads "I chose you to love." Those two things go nicely in my new lighted curio cabinet that I got for my birthday yesterday.
I landed the stomach flu on Christmas day night and was sicky until about 7:00 the next night. Could have done without that. Unfortunately, son and HD have it as of last night. Son is home, but HD is in his semi, in Ohio, headed to his aunt's funeral tomorrow... with the flu. I feel so bad about that. He was dreading the funeral already and could have just done without the flu too.
We celebrated my birthday on Thursday even though it was on Friday as HD had to gete on his way to PA for the funeral. We spent the whole day together, goofing around, laughing, holding hands, laughing some more... just having a great time. If only every day could be like that. Nothing wrong with a fairy tale right?
The wedding countdown is really on now. I did some wedding things this morning. I think I've found the Unity Sand things we want. HD doesn't care and insists he has no opinion about it. I've asked him several times but he always tells me "whatever you think dear.." Isn't he the best? :)
YS and I were supposed to work on wedding invitations this afternoon but she was a no call/no show. So, I guess I'll need go to the craft store next week and try to figure out something else that I can do by myself. I get the feeling that she doesn't want to help me so I'm not going to ask again. When I decided that she wasn't calling today, I headed down to the scrapbook store to try to find some ideas on my own, only to find her car there. I just kept on driving and didn't even go in.
I need to get with best friend K and work on some flowers. She's got an eye for that stuff, thank goodness, cause I sure don't. We meet with the photographer on January 19th. Before too long, I'll officially be Mrs. HD. Boy, that seems impossible!
I ran into my ex-mother-in-law today in the grocery store. I haven't seen her in a long long time. She chit-chatted and was polite as she always is. She said she heard I was getting re-married and even congratulated me. I told her thanks and that it's different but nice. She said "yeah, I suppose." What do you say to her when it was her son that had the affair and was so rotten to me?? And she knows it. So, I just didn't say much about it other than thanks. That was kinda weird...
I just seem to be full of whining tonight, don't I? I should be focusing on the fact that I'm over the flu and I'm so loved.
Happy New Years girls!
� grizmom at