Happy New Year
I had pledged to not make a New Year's Resolution, mainly because it's always something I can't stick to and inevitably, another failure is marked down in the books.This year I will look at it differently. Not a resolution but a lifestyle change. This year will be about making me as important as everything else and everyone else in my life. Time for me.. Time to make meals like I should. Time to walk or do some sort of exercise nearly every day. Time to keep in touch with friends that I miss dearly. Time to spend more time with my sisters and their families. Time to do some of the fun things I like but that take a back seat to the rest of my life - cook, scour for recipes, quilt, ride my bike - oh the list! Time to study the Bible better. Time to go to church like I know I want and need to. That sounds like a nice "time" doesn't it?
I've been working on wedding invitations since Sunday. I like them. I'm not too crafty, so when y'all get yours, pretend that it appears that I slaved over them, will ya? :) They are a relatively simple invitation with a little fu-fu on them. But they look nice and are unlike any that you would buy. I searched online for something unique in the wording department. I found something very simple that works well for us. HD likes it, so... it's a go. They fit nicely into a #10 envelope so if they're not too heavy, we should be good to go. I would like to try to find pretty silver envelopes for them. It would be a nice accent. Haven't crossed that bridge yet. First things first, right?
DIL has had the flu for 1 1/2 days now. She doesn't seem to be as ill as the rest of us were but clearly, she doesn't feel well. Her little pastey-white face with dark bags under her eyes tells the story.
HD doesn't have a relationship with his side of the family at ALL out side of his brother and his one uncle. It's a long, very sad story that I won't go into but his Father passed away when HD was 13 and it clearly went downhill from there. Anyway, he was in PA for his aunts funeral on Sunday. He mended some fence with his Mother I think. He didn't really come right out and say that, but it was implied. And this morning when we were talking on the phone, she called him just to wish him a Happy New Year. That was nice. He was suprised. I'm so glad.
I know my parents are gone but I have so many good memories of them and growing up. My Mother was clinically crazy... I'm talking CRAZY y'all, but we didn't know it until we were young adults. We just thought she was fun. And she was. She would drop us off somewhere and then saying "I'd have come back and got you but I couldn't remember where I dropped you off." She taught YS to moonwalk on the kitchen floor by dumping a bottle of powder on the floor. The "fun" part of it was that we never had to clean it up. It was just left there until it wore itself gone. YEARS of things like that! :) How fun is it to never have to clean up?? We had alot of years of laughing at our Dad too. Bless that man for the entertainment he provided! He didn't laugh at himself well... but we sure did! Did you know that a little itsy-bitsy bouncy-super ball that is plunked into a tall glass of milk at great speed will get some dang-good milk-splashing results? I'm laughing just thinking about it! I can see Dad on his hands and knees cleaning up the milk that not only hit the floor, but was dripping off his head. hahaha OS asked YS if she had done that, to which she smiled her Kool-aid smile and shook her head yes. OS saved us from being killed by locking us all in the bathroom as we laughed hysterically. Or there day of OS's wedding. It was raining raining raining. We get across town to the church and Mom forgot something. My Dad called her a G-damn ding-a-ling and headed back home to get whatever it was. THAT cracks me up!! Like I said, I have many good memories. I wished HD did too.
Well, Happy New Year everyone! Make the most of it! Hug your kids and call your loved ones!
� grizmom at