Today's News...
Loki, I feel for you. I reall really do. Oh how I wished we lived near by so we could just get out and about and forget it for awhile. Although things have been better here as of late, I definately understand how you feel.Junkmel, where have you been?? YOU, my dear, are the one and ONLY ONE that has not posted! What's up???
HD brought home a new kitchen table and chairs. Counter height I think it's called. I LOVE it! But, if you've ever been in my house, you know it's incredibly small. And full. So, we tore out the bar in the dining room/kitchen and extended the kitchen wood flooring and it sits there. Looks nice. VERY nice. He's so good to me. He makes me laugh so much, so often. He's so supportive of me, regardless of the days drama. I don't know what I did so right, but I'm sure glad I did!
Wedding update: invitations are under way. Actually, near 1/2 done. We still need our picture to put on them, but they're really coming along. Cousin Lana is working on the map to the park for us. We need to some of the food details but it won't be much since we're doing bbq-ing on the spot, done by us. Music is picked. Unit Sand is picked out, just need to order it. Cake is decided upon and topper is bought. Flowers. I don't have the eye for such things. I'm going to have to call in a favor for that I think. That's where we are. May 17th is quickly creeping up on us.
It's near 40ish today. HD and son have broke out the motorcycles for a spin. Not me, I just think it's too dang chilly. That's ok, I can just sit here and relax and eww and ahhh at the new table. :)
I've had long hair in some fashion or another since 1992. Thursday evening - CHOP. Gone. Short. Like to the neck short. I LOVE IT! I wished I'd have done it years ago. I thought maybe I'd miss it, but ya know, I don't. Even though it takes a little more time since you have to "style" it, it's still better.
I think I posted about getting new GF grill, the one with the removable grates, didn't I? The grates go IN the dishwasher. Now I ask you, can life get any better than that? Anyway, we made sausage and bacon on it this morning, followed by waffles. OH MY GOSH. How yummy. How easy. How gross was all the grease that is usually just in our pan. Yet another simple wonder to make me happy.
That's about all I can report for now. Hope you new year is off to a great start!
� grizmom at