A ho-hum life...
TBL update. Grocery shopping for next weeks losing is done. Today I've had a banana with peanut butter - one of my favorite things - and some tuna with mayo on whole grain wheat crackers. There's something about that crunchy sound that makes me feel full.The Bowflex is on it's way and I'm E.X.C.I.T.E.D!!! Can you believe that? Me, excited about exercising? LOL What a laugh that is! But, I am! I'm a bit disappointed over the just one pound for last weeks loss, but, I HAVE been sorta bad. Being away from home is bad on my diet. The 2nd time I was gone (Thursday) I had a grilled chicken sandwich from McD's, which was good. But DAMN those greasy fries! LOL I just couldn't say no, and I ate them all. Enjoyed every single bite of them. So, I'm back on track here again I think. I think I should go out to our mall and walk for an hour or so. I'm just hoping like crazy that when the bowflex gets here and I'm able to use it almost every day, that the pounds just fall off! But for now, I'll take the 1 pound loss vs a 1 pound gain!
Lizzy, I'm so glad you find yourself feeling much better. Isn't it funny how prayer knows no boundaries? :o)We're all in your corner.
It's bloody-cold here! Windchill was something ridiculous like 21 below or something. What the hell?? Where's the spring? Where's the tress with buds and the damn grass that will have to be mowed, turning green? Where are the tulips busting up through the ground? I should have been a bear. I think I could sleep right through winter and wake up for spring.
Naughty Dog has chewed on literally everything in this house. Everything. Not one thing left unchewed on. I SWEAR she'd better make her way outside in the very near future or I might send her to meet her maker. Cross my heart and amen.
I don't like wild game meat of any sort. Not duck, goose, turkey, deer.. .none. But, son is a might warrier hunter, or so he thinks, so there's always deer meet here. I think it stinks and it has to taste as bad as it smells. He and his dad concocted a great deer jerkey recipe and I LOVE it! I could eat the whole batch, zip lock baggie and all! LOL I love the way it smells and you can smell it through the whole house, and then to eat it, even still warm... YUM! And, it's very lean and good for you.. His recipe does have a little x-lean hamburger mixed in and tons of spices, so over all, it's really still pretty healthy. Who'd a thunk?
I promised to help a lady with her taxes this afternoon, so I'd better get in a nap. Hand in there Lizzy, God has a plan, He always does.
Have a great weekend ladies, stay warm. *************************************** I took YS to a doctors appointment in the metropolis on Thursday. That was my out-of-town trip. She had to take a valium when she got there. LORD is that girl funny! She had to have a full bladder to boot, so that was all the funnier in the end. She couldn't bear to "hold it" any longer and had to just go tinkle. She comes out of the bathroom and says "whoooo, I'm higher than hogans goat." She walked all the way around the bed to get in, and then plops in the bed. LOL LAUGH, on my gosh we laughed. We goofed around and took pictures of us trying to get hair nets on and me in my fancy dancy blue scrubs. Oh yeah, we were looking real good. So Friday was a blur, she was on her back for 24 hours. But by Friday night, she was ready to eat. So off to Applebee's we went. On the way home, with a full belly, she's just a-sleepin away, and her daughter is all but sleeping in the back seat. I'm trying to be quiet and let her sleep, like a good big sister. All of the sudden "SNORE" L.O.U.D! She wakes up and looks at me. I'm in hysterics. I laughed, eyes watering, gut wrenching the next 20 miles home. She then wanted an icee from BK, so we went through the drive through. I could barely even mutter out what she wanted through my laughing and the watering eyes. When we hit her house, I'm helping her set up some temporary sleeping arrangements until she can get back in her bed. (drs. orders) She's sitting on the couch when all of the sudden, she just peels a wall-paper peeling fart. That was it, the eye-watering laughter was back on. By the time I got gone, I probably laughed off 10lbs. My gut hurt so bad and my water resistant mascara was gone. What a hoot. I wonder if everyone has as much fun and laughs as hard as we do!
� grizmom at