Schreck Wedding Update
HD and I spent Thursday night - Saturday afternoon camping in our new camper. For someone who'd never had a camper, HD did VERY well! He thought of everything. EVERYTHING! You'd swear he was a seasoned camper. Friday night he built a nice fire and we made yummy mountain pies. We took the dogs. What a hoot! Sadie was a freak, of course - because she always is. She needs a good dose of benedryl to travel or something. I SWORE if she moved again, I'd paste her upside the head. Fatty-Sam, he loves to go. He just plops down and rides. But you could tell that neither of them had a CLUE as to why we were doing what we were doing! If only they could talk...We met up with cousin LO & her husband on Saturday and they took us wedding location looking. We think we've found the place! It's in a park about an hour from here. It's an outside ampitheatre with a beautiful arbor/trellis and benches for guests already in place. Right off the highway. It's a bit secluded so we'd have the spot to ourselves. Cousin's husband said he's got a commercial grill that we can pull up there and have a bbq there right after the ceremony, so I think things are coming together. There won't really be any decorating to be done, so woo to the hoo!!
We also went to a winery and did a yummy tasting, which led us to buy a bottle of bubbly... It was good, they were all good. And, we plan to go again. Often! :)
HD left today for a 17 stop outting. He'll be out until next Monday or Tuesday. I sure hate it when he has to go. So, I've spent my morning cleaning and doing laundry and picking up. About anything to keep busy.
Have you ever looked at your life when it was really really sucking and wondered how it got to be like this? And then when your life lines up with the stars, you wonder how it got to be like this?
HD is just amazing. Now, I know, you've all got husbands or significant others that you SWEAR are just the cats meow. And now I do too. But, I never realized how good it would be when it was right. I've always heard how a good relationship is so much work, but we don't really see that. It's easy. It's like we've known eachother forEVER. He makes me laugh and smile all the time. He'd do anything for me, and I'd do anything for him. Without being asked. Without expecting anything. Almost without thinking about it. I never thought my life would ever be so good. All the bad, or sad or disappointing things that have come my way were worth it if this is what I got in return. I appreciate him and all he is and all he does for us so much more than if I'd never known anything less. And he loves me for what I am, for who I am. Not for what I might some day be, or what I some day might have or whathaveyou. How refreshing.
Ok, enough of that. Have a great day ladies.
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