Hump Day
Wow, nice to see most everyone updating again. It does my heart good to know that people are alive and well, and getting on with getting on. I can't imagine what some of y'all have been through and I know the pictures on the news can't even come close to what you've seen and weathered. Just know that I'm blown away by your heart and soul and determination to not let Katrina break you down.Remember the nice man from previous posting who sent me flowers? Well, I spent some time with him over the weekend. Nice man - really nice man. (which of course means there's a huge underlying flaw just waiting to be discovered, right?) Over the weekend, he cooked. He cooked everything other than a loaf of bread I tossed into the bread machine to "accent" dinner. It was quite tasty I might add. He made homemade lasagna. Cooked and stirred and brewed and slaved for the better part of the day - and that was just the "sauce." Then we laid it all out in a pan to bake for about an hour. It was fabulous. He's out of town on business this week again, so I'll be eating lasagna til hell won't have it. But, it's good, and I didn't have to make it! BONUS!
Oh and by the way, 1/2 doz roses arrived for me again yesterday. Our plant manager asked me if they were "I'm sorry" flowers. Laugh -- I laughed myself right into tears. Who knows, maybe he's sorry he had to spend several hours out of his weekend with me. Maybe he's sorry that he had to be gone this week. Maybe he's just sorry. hahaha I don't think so, but, one never knows what a man is thinking and why, or if it was even really a thought at all. The card attached is contrary to I'm sorry, so, now after enough time to think about it all, I'm sorry!(kidding) He did tell me he was going to marry me. Flaw #1. He did tell me he has some strong feelings for me. Flaw #2. He CAN cook, so -1/2 Flaw. He smokes. Flaw #3 & 4. (just a personal preference for me I guess) He's gone ALOT. Flaw factor of +1/2. I should quit now before he's Flawed completely out. Anyway, the flowers are beautiful and I was completely suprised. They smell absolutely heavenly and have left me with much 'splaining to do about him and who he is, why I got flowers, etc.
KIDS!! Just when you think you've got them figured out and well on their way, they go south, only to leave you standing there with your mouth gaping open and utterly speechless. Son and I are extremely close. More like brother and sister than Mom and Son really. Anyway, he calls me yesterday morning after NOT going to class because he was tired, to ask me "what bills can I NOT pay?" WHAT??? I'm sorry, I must not have heard you quite right - what did you say? Granted, he IS back in college which only allows him to be working 1/2 the hours he was working during the summer, and yes, he does have some things going on in his own business - BUT - he doesn't have money to pay the bills? He has money to eat out every day, go hunting, etc... but no money to pay his portion of the bills?? OH,I.DON'T.THINK.SO! I work two jobs and manage my money, so he's gonna too. All the while, fiance sat on the couch and pouted. I was finally so mad about it that I just went to bed. I'm a huge believer in helping your kids, and I can certainly understand his change in finances (although I paid the tuition...) but.. Gggrrr!!!! I hate fiances pouting and I hate his attitude the past 24 hours. I hate his momentary lack of intelligence that has put him in this spot. I know I raised him dang near flawless (obviously raised like a girl), so I DO expect better performance than this! (yeah right!)
I've built a very close repore with a lady at job 1. Our daily conversations start out with "how's your Dad, how are you?" And "how's your Dad, how are you?" When my Dad had passed, she was just a blaze of sunshine and support. Her Dad passed away Saturday night. I can't help myself, I just cried for her. I bought a card and a plant and took it over. We share a special kind of bond that I really can't explain. You just see that look on our face and you don't really have to say anything. Somehow, I know we'll always have this special bond that only a few can relate to. It's bitter sweet.
It's hump day. The weeks 1/2 over! Just waiting to dance that Friday jig! I do love my new job and I don't feel like I just have to drag myself in here everyday. I enjoy the weekends since I don't spend them all working and hating it.
We will spend Saturday afternoon working on cleaning out Dad's house, which will be sad, but, it will also be healing I hope. Hopefully OS will not get killed by my bare hands before it's done! She's been a tad better, at least her emails don't SEEM to have the usual bitter undertone to them. Maybe I've just decided she can kiss off too... who knows? :)
I don't know another thing worth bragging about, so on that note...
The heart remembers best what it loved the most...
� grizmom at