Friday Nite Pay Per View is: OS vs US
I know everyone is dancing the ole Friday jig about now. Let's pick a Friday song -- hmmmm how about... Don't Stop Believin'. If you're over 30 you should be able to hum the next line (hold onto that feeling). The last working day of the week is almost 1/2 over. There's free pizza for lunch and beer at 5. Now I ask you, could anyone possibly ask for anything more than this??YS and OS are on the outs now. I'm not really sure why, but we were planning to all meet at Dads on Saturday to clean up/out his last few things. YS has informed OS that she will not be going. OS emails me that YS is unable to go. I call YS to inquire about a different date, YS tells me it's not that she's unable to go, she's flat.not.going. YS refuses to be treated like a steaming pile of sheep shit by OS. I invited YS to join me anyway in the 'cleanings outs' and reassured her that being on the steaming pile of sheep shit list (having been there myself for years) has some perks. (ex: don't have to talk to OS!!) There comes a point that you just cut your losses with OS and forget it - move on. I'm there, and my gut is telling me YS is on her way there too. Our family is definately poster quality for how the death of a parent brings out someones true colors.
Tomorrow will be a whole month since Dad passed away. Funny how time sure doesn't stop to let you catch your breath or stop until you tell it it can go again. I think about him alot, hoping he's kickin' up his heels to Burning Ring of Fire. :) I hope he and Mom are just buddy buddy and things are just as grand as ever for them. Hopefully even better. I hope they can't see the riff going on between us. They'd SO make us sit on the couch and hold hands until we could get along. Man, we'd be there a long long time at this point.
I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I've been in allergy-hell the past few days. Yesterday (of course while corporate was visiting job 1), I look like I'm just sobbing, my eyes red and watering, sneezing, all the makeup watered off and wiped off my face - now exposing the nice dark bags under my eyes. I took Allegra, Zyrtec, Benadryl, Actifed, Sudafed - you name it. Nothing, absolutely nothing made any difference. I finally stood in the shower at midnight last night, just crying I was so misserable. Today, I'm really much better, but my eyes look like I've been on a 10 day bindge. I had made up my mind that if things weren't better today, I was gonna resign myself to calling the ole Doc. I'm a poor patient and HATE to do it, but I wouldda.
I want to be the "not fat actress." I want to not be fat and to heck with the actress part. Have you seen her lately? She looks fabulous! I'm jealous. I know it can be done, and I know I could be looking far more fabulous than I already am if I could just get motivated. Even though I'm heading to Jamaica next year, I'm still unmotivated. That damn couch is just too tempting. It's worse than chocolate. I just can't help myself and lose all control when I walk in the room. So ladies, motivate me - tell me now to get my big fat "actress" off the couch and onto a more fabulous me.
The Flower Man has called and asked for some of my time over the weekend. I do like him, but he's kinda smothering me. He could hang on that phone for hours and say nothing. He could just sit around all cuddly and do nothing. I'm just not there yet. I don't mind a phone call or maybe dinner or a walk or something, but I'm one lazy chick. I got things to do! (reference above couch!) I've been quilting for YS and making plans for my house re-doing business, laundry and dishes... and oh my... I'm pooped. Plus, TFM is moving a bit too fast for me. He's already assured me he's gonna marry me. WHOOAAAA NELLY!!! Back up d'cart here one minute. Marry me?? First of all he'd have to ask, and 2nd of all, there is the whole FLAW business to be dealt with. PC you know this in much more detail now and believe me it's not been dealt with to my liking just yet. Can't even tell you what the plans are in the "dealing with it" area. So.. marry me?? I doubt that.
Code 7 China Buffet - that just came over the scanner! hahaha guess it's lunch time for the boys in blue huh? But the China Buffet here has bugs. Yes, bugs - roaches, ants, you name it. WHY IN GOD'S NAME would you eat there? It's common public knowledge that they have bugs... eeewwwwww!!!
I've really given going back to school some serious consideration lately. I really want my degree in HR, although, the ICR thing seems to be quite entertaining! I REALLY want my degree in HR. I really WANT my degree in HR. I really want MY degree in HR. I really want my DEGREE in HR. I really want my degree in HR. Anyway way you look at it, I want my degree. Finding time, even for online courses is going to be tuff while holding down job 2 - which is still needed. I just don't know where to juggle the time for schooling, job 1 & 2 and the couch. Somethings gotta give here and I'll clue you it probably won't be the couch! Maybe I could just start taking a few classes here a class or two there and just start weeding a few of them out one at a time. Does that sound lazy or realistic?
Well ladies, I know nothing else. No politics to hash out, no gossip to spread, no other real whining to do - at least none that will get me anywhere, so, I'll just save my energy.
Have a super weekend ladies.
The heart remembers best what it loved the most...
� grizmom at