Newz From Nowhere
I know, I haven't updated for several days. But, alas, here I am.My best friends wedding - well, no, her sons wedding - was Saturday. It totally looked like rain. The wedding, reception and dance were all slated to be outside, with no Plan B to be had. Thank goodness Mother Nature was kind. By late evening (5:00 wedding) the clouds had cleared and as the sun set and the dance kicked off, the sky was clear and the stars were out. There was a nice slight breeze and the temperature was probably 70. Very nice, very pleasant and very beautiful. The wedding went off without a hitch. Best Friend and I frosted and assembled the 3 tiered wedding cake, as well as frosted 18 sheet cakes. Cake anyone? (yes, there were like 10 left over!) Banana, Carrot and Chocolate Zucchini. Cream Cheese frosting... OH.MY.GOD! YUMMY!!!
Quilt progress update: Quilt top completed - check. Bottom fabric laid out - check. Batting laid on bottom fabric - check. Quilt top laid on batting - check. All pinned together - check. Knot tieing 9/10 of the way done - check. Whoo hooo!! By tonight, the last 3 rows will be tied and it'll be ready for the binding. It really is beautiful, even if I don't sew like my Mother. It's not perfect but it's pretty good for this ole chick. And, to think it's not even quite a year late - not bad huh?!
Business trip to St. Louis has been postponed until January sometime. Whhewwww... like that. I'll hate it in January, but I like it for now.
Son and I have done some planning and plotting for my house makeover. New casement windows downstairs (9), new double hung windows upstairs (4), new front window, new front door, new french door, new bay window. New carpet in living and dining room. New 200 sq.ft. addition where back porch had been. New 2 car garage. Vinyl siding. New front porch. That outta do it. It's alot of things, but they're needed and it'll really change things as far as how the house looks. My neighbors will be happy to have the old eye-sore spiffed up. So will I.
It's finally cooling off here. Supposed to have a hard freeze tonight. Something like 28 degrees. Then low-mid 60's tomorrow and rest of the week. I love to see the leaves all turning colors but winter is not my favorite season. Hopefully it will be a short, mild winter.
Job 2 is really starting to People just demand that you do something to appease them. Like it's MY fault they don't have enough $$ left on their EBT card to get the rest of the groceries? Like it's MY fault that we don't have a different sized bedspread on the clearance rack, and NO, we won't have another one like it either. Ever. Like it's MY fault they didn't bring their REQUIRED folder to use their WIC check. Hello!!!! It's not MY fault they're stupid!! And this is just the beginning. Then there's the cashier that runs around, literally running, acting like he's got severe mental issues, keeps prank-calling other cashiers as they're actually trying to work and then runs into a little old lady, knocking her ENTIRE bottle of Old Spice on the floor, for me to clean up. If only you could beat your children in public, even if they aren't really your children and you're just the glorified babysitter! As we go into Christmas it'll just be a million times worse. Stupid cashiers, stupid customers, stupid managers. People who just don't think before they act OR speak, and people who are sure you owe them something. Retirement is looking pretty damn good! (if only....)
Ran into my ex-husband over the weekend. Mind you, I didn't hear from him when Dad passed away, which was fine. But.. he says "so, you get to buy the house?" Yep, I said, but it came with a pretty hefty price that I'd have rather not paid. (hint: both parents gone??) He doesn't say yeah, or sorry... he says "so, did you get inheritance money?" ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I said no and just walked off. I remember why I hate him so much... jerk!
I miss my parents today. Not really sure why today more than any other day, but I do. I hope they're together up there and having the time of their life. I hope they can't see the family feud that's going on. But I hope they can see us getting on with getting on, as best we can. I find myself whispering to them alot sometimes - Mom, tell me what you think about this. Dad - tell me what you think about that... have I completely lost my mind or what?
Ok, enough of that.. better get busy. Have a good day ladies!
The heart remembers best what it loved the most.
� grizmom at