Friday's are Super!
One of our very best, very much loved supervisors is quitting. His last day is today. It's pretty somber for those of us who know and love him. (I grew up with him so I knew him way back when) We had a get-together at the bar last night and our plant manager bought drinks and appetizers for all salaried staff. It was a good time. Our plant manager is just awesome. He's very polite and very very personable. If you met him on the street you'd never know he was the boss. That sure makes working here just wonderful!We're having Thanksgiving Dinner today at job 1. The whole place smells so good! I haven't had anything to eat today besides my usual english muffin and a slim fast, so I should be good for lunch! If the growling of my stomach is any indication of how hungry I am, there might not be any left for anyone else.
We've had 2 coworkers in the past 3 days get some horrible news. Both of their Mothers have terminal cancer. I'm not sure as far as time frame for one of them, but the other fella, they sent his Mom home from the hospital yesterday and gave her a month. Having had my own Mother die of lung cancer, I just have this pit in my stomach for them both. I remember being told "well, we can't do anything for them but keep them comfortable." I hated to hear that.
Outside of having been VERY good today, I've really kinda sucked as far as my eating and walking goes this week. I need someone or something to motivate my sorry fat actress I guess. I seem to have run out of steam and desire to do this. HELP!!!!!! Somebody get me back on track!!!
YS sent me an email about her daughter. Daughter is 4 1/2. OH.MY.GOSH!! I laughed myself sick over it. Daughter asked her Mom "do you know where Daddy lurks?" Mom says "no." Daughter says "he lurks at Thermal King." YS emails me this and says "just thought I better warn you there's a lurker out there!" YS husband and I work for Thermo King. (Thermal King) How funny! Now we have a lurker! hahaha
I have the weekend off from both jobs AND the kids will be gone this weekend! I can't say that I've ever been thrilled as could be to see deer season come around! But, hey, if it gives me peace plus the couch and tv remote - I'm thrilled! I really do have to clean up leaves - they finally all came down, so that's nice. My housekeeper will be there today so any other cleaning will already be done. I might try to brush the wooly-mammoth dogs. That's always a big job, but they need it. Otherwise, the time is mine to do with as I wish. YEAH FOR ME!!!
It's chilly today but the sun is shining. It looks like it could easily be 75 degrees out. In all honesty, I think it's about 40, but it sure looks nice. Hopefully that'll hold until I get the darn leaves raked up. It's supposed to rain on Saturday I think.
I sold my huge pool! It's gone - lock, stock and barrel! That thing's been a landmark for like 8-10 years in my back yard. Boy does that look strange. It needed to go because we haven't used it in 2 years, and, with the new garage and addition happening, it was in the way. So - it's gone and I have a little money in my remodel account. Another hip-hip-horray for me!
The husband of a co-worker of mine at job 1 has Retnascesis. (Sp?) I can't tell you exactly what it is be he's basically going blind and there's no cure. He's going to a low-vision clinic next week to see about some binocular type glasses or what-have-you to see if he can continue to see and drive. I think the new glasses or what-have-you are like $1500 and probably not mostly covered by insurance. My thoughts are well, they don't have that kind of money, but I have inheritance money and what better to do with some of it than to help someone in need. I've already made up my mind about it, I really do want to help them. So.. if they don't object, or, if I can make an annoymous payment to the doctor, I'm all over it! It makes my heart feel good too.
Ok, I'm out of gossip. I'm gonna brace myself for a plate of yummy turkey and the fixin's!
Have a great weekend ladies!
The heart remembers best what it loved the most.
� grizmom at