I'm Famous (not!)
I spent the last hour watching Extreme Home Makeover, like I do every Sunday. Let me add that I cry every time and tonight was no exception. Single Dad of 3 girls, whose wife died of a bloodclot in the lung shortly after their youngest daughter was born. Anyway... I love that show and it always always makes me cry. Son refuses to watch it with me all the time because he cries too. :) I love it!I was so proud because I had all 100 blocks of my latest quilt ready to sew. This included the 6 1/2" square and 4 - 3" diagonal corners on each square, all measured, all lined up, all pined, all ready to go... until... I sewed the first 4 corners on. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??? It doesn't line up or match for squat. So, I ripped it out and resewed it. And again. And once more. I finally drew out a template like anyone with any talent would do, except my Mother, who wouldn't need to... I drew it out of cardstock and cut it out. Now I'm having to unpin each blocks 4 corners, lay the template out for the correct "corner placement" and repin EACH.ONE. I'm so stupid sometimes. I remember thinking as I was pinning on some of these that hhmmmm these might not line up right, but, yeah, they should be fine.. DORK! Oh well, I'm redoing. I'm probably a little over half the way done in my redoing. I should be ready to sew these babies up by the weekend. (yep, I sewed 2 blocks and this will work!) DORK!
I spent some time chatting online with The Flower Guy. He's admitted maybe we should just be "friends." DUH, and that's if he's lucky and I'm having a bad day. His comment to me was "he's a man..." and "he has urges..." uhhhh T.M.I. T.M.I. Good God man, have you no shame?? UUgggghhhh... MEN!
I'm on T.V.!!! QUICK, everyone, turn on Miss Congeniality! :) I could only hope to look that good, but, I can definately see me in the whole make over thing, high heels, etc. and falling down. hahaha Dear Lord, that's me all over the place. But, I don't think I'd be singing "you think I'm sexy, you want to date me..." My bad luck, The Flower Guy with "urges" would be what I got. PASS PASS PASS!!!
Did I mention that I have a nice 3 day weekend this upcoming weekend? :) I'm really looking forward to that. I can sew to my little hearts content. (yeah, Mom, I know, aliens.)
I still want to make a photo quilt for Aunt Willy. Send pictures! The more the merrier. Email them, send them snail express.. doesn't matter. Just send'em!
My 2 jobs are really starting to get in the way of my sewing! hahaha GOOD GOLLY, I can't believe I just said that!
I made vegetable beef stew today, from scratch. It sure smells good. It just finished up cooking so I'll let it sit a bit and cool down before I dive in. Man, it's even making my stomach growl.
I'm happy to report that my back is really feeling much better. It's still plenty tender but I can turn my head, both ways, and I can reach my feet! Boy how I take that for granted.
It's like chilly-willy here. In the single digits overnight. Today when I went to work, the thermo in my car read a whopping 4. BBbbrrrrr I heard on weather that it will probably be this way most of the week. Oh yeah, and snow. Tomorrow. Again. **sigh** Thank goodness for my nice Eeyore slippers, flannel pants and holy sweatshirt. Is it spring yet?
PC, can you "click your heels" and bring me some warm sunshine? Or, are you good buddies with the good fairy of the West, she might could help.
Ok, better get back to pinning and admiring myself on t.v. Have a great Monday gals.
The heart remembers best what it loved the best.
� grizmom at