Boring Boring BORING!
I know, I've been BA-AD! I haven't written like forever. Things are just crazy right now.School is running me down like a locomotive. Plus work and work and the wedding, etc... ugh!!!
I'm about 1/2 way through credit 2. But now I have to make a video of a speech. Oh sure, like I'm a public speaker? It has to be 10 minutes, blah blah blah. I think I'll work on that while I'm in NC and can think uninterrupted in the evenings. I will try to film it when I get home I guess. Oh joy...
We're having crap weather. I know other places are worse, but, still. We have like 50 and sunny today and by Wednesday it's supposed to be snowing, blowing and freezing. Can'tcha just wait for that? I hope the weather in NC is good while I'm there. I could take some warm sunshine.
We're making a cookbook at job 1. I'm the keeper of the recipes. Amazingly enough, I have the most in it. Go figure!! I love recipes. LOVE EM LOVE EM LOVE EM! It's fun to see what recipes other's bring though. I'm always game for a new one!
I don't really know much else. My life is quiet and uneventful. What can I say? I work and work and go to school. I do an ocassional dish or a little laundry when I can. That's about it. I don't go anywhere and I don't do anything. I know, I'm quite exciting aren't I?
I don't really know much else other than NC here I come. By this time next week, I'll have spent 24 hours in NC. By Friday, I'll be all settled in just in time to come home.
Have a good one girls.
The heart remembers best what it has loved the most.
� grizmom at