Traveling Sucks
Ok, the business trip is here. I flew out of NE at 11am yesterday. Flew into Mpls. That was fine. The connecting flight was 2 hours late. That's where it all started to go south.We finally get boarded for NC. My "seat partner" is a nice young man who is heading near the same town I am. But, he's about 8' tall. He wiggled and jiggled and complained the whole friggin' flight. He was cramped up and smashed up against the window. I offered to swap with him but he said he was fine. He was very nice and we had some good conversation, but needless to say, the 2 hour flight with him was OHMYGOD like sleeping with a small child. He made 4 trips to the restroom. Yep 4. Dude, do you have a bladder problem?? Every time he wiggled and jiggled, he smacked me - sleeping or not. "Oh, I'm so sorry" he would say. I know he was, but he had NO clue how sorry he'd be if he did it about one.more.time!
Finally we land in NC. Thank goodness. I make the "tram" to the car rental hut. I get a car and good directions to get where I'm heading. I can do this... or so I thought.
Exit 25, turn off at exit 25. Mind you, by now we're 2 hours late and it's getting dark. I don't see too well in the dark, especially when I don't have a flippin' clue where I am, and am unfamiliar with my surroundings as well as my rental car. So, exit 25. Yep, see it. Nope, can't turn there. There's an accident on the off ramp.
They're routing everyone on to exit 24. That's alright. I figure, take that exit, make a right hand turn and I'm right back in the neighborhood where I need to be. Nope. No right hand turn allowed there. I'm driving and looking and driving and looking and SWEARING for somewhere, ANYWHERE to turn off and get turned around. YEAH RIGHT! I end up MILES from where I need to be. Like in another town.
I decide I can get turned around and back on the interstate and head back. Nope. I'm stuck in the traffic loop that goes in a circle. Well, it does if you're stupid and from out of town.
Finally, after about 3 or 4 passes through the circle, I make a mad dash for the outside lane and head back out on the interstate. Ok, heading back to where I'm SUPPOSED to be.
I finally get turned into the town where I need to be, but, I can't find my road. CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST!!! Where the hell are the street signs? I shit you not, they don't mark'em on purpose!
I'm tired, I'm lost as shit and I'm about to pee my pants. What a LOVELY combination. I've made 2 phone calls home to Kimmie (used to live here) to get directions. And, I'm still not there.
I finally find a gas station and head in to ask for directions. He looks at my paper and says "I'm sorry ma'am, I don't know where that is." WHAT THE FUCK??? You live here and you don't know where it is??? I really thought I was pretty close to where I needed to be, but in the dark, I was ALL turned around.
I ask him if I can call the hotel for directions. He was fine with that. So, I call them up and the young man chuckles at me when I tell him I'm lost. I give him the address of the gas station - which turns out to be ON THE ROAD that I need to be on. (BUT THE ATTENDENT DOESN'T KNOW WHERE IT IS????? WHAT?????????????????) The young man says ma'am, we're right smack dab behind that gas station you're standing in. Like, RIGHT BEHIND IT. Sure enough, he sure was.
I finally get checked in. First priority - bathroom run. Then I decide I'm starving. I can see a McD's from my room window. So, I set out walking. I'm not driving A.N.Y.W.H.E.R.E! I make a block run to the fast trash joint and scoot on back here. I eat and unpack and change my clothes. I even find Extreme Home Makeover on the tube. I did a few emailings and a phone call or two to son, etc and just dropped dead on the couch.
I didn't sleep too well. Strange place, strange sounds. Still pissed. Who knows why. But, I'm up and going and have to be at class by 1pm. That means of course - more driving. I feel like there's a flashing neon sign over my head that says "you can't get there from here stupid!" Wish me luck.
The heart remembers best what it loves the most.
� grizmom at