Tomato or Tamoto?
It's salsa making season here again. That homemade stuff just spoils you, ya know? We can't eat that boughten stuff now, so good thing we make enough to last us a year. Yesterday, thinking we'd get ahead of the game for making our gi-normous batch of salsa next weekend, we decided to go ahead and prep 1/2 our tomatoes. 210 lbs skinned and chopped. When was the last time you spent $160 on tomatoes? From 8:30am til 5:00pm. I SWEAR, I couldn't have stood there a minute longer. My back and my feet hurt sooooo bad. Same goes for the other 2 gals that were here slaving away with me. BS and her daughter. Her daughter said she'd rather cut tomatoes than stay home and do laundry. LOL I think we totaled up 26 or 29 gallon bags full of our ripe red addiction.The tomato chopping yielded just one bleeding tragedy. I had really worked on sharpening my knife so the tomatoes would slice/chop nice and easy. I worked alot on the section from the middle to the tip. I did a good job. It worked nicely as I peeled the side of my finger at about 9:00am. Now, those of you who know me well, know I'm a bad patient. Soooo, physician heal thyself. (Thanks Mom!) I went looking for a bandage that I could pull good and tight to pinch this gaping gusher. I found a small package of round gauze pads that I had gotten from the dentist when I had a tooth pulled. Imagine my delight to find such a little gold mine. So I chopped one of those up, while still pinching my bleeding finger, and wrapped a bandage around that little puppy. Wrapped it so tight the end of my finger was purple. Maybe that was just all the blood that was trying to get loose, who knows. But, it worked like a charm. I put on a plastic painting glove and went back to work. It burned and throbbed for HOURS. I unbandaged it at about 3:00 or so to find that as soon as you weren't pinching it, it was gushing. So I just bandaged it back up and went back to work. By 6:30 it had stopped bleeding but was now stuck to the gauze. I managed to get it lose without much bleeding and super glued it shut. It's good and sore and a nice schade of purple, but it's not bleeding, and it's really not throbbing. Mom would be so proud of my handy work!
Son and his wife have been in motorcycle class all weekend. I'm enjoyoing the peace and quiet! Son was telling me about the class and the woman in the class that has never ridden and is struggling. He's very irritated with her, etc. Kind of makes me mad cause that would be me if I were doing it. He should really be part of the solution and try to help her rather than be that way with/towards her. Maybe he did, I don't know, but he was raised better than that. I think. You know how you THINK you did right in your bringing-uppens, but you say time will tell.... well here ya go.
College for me has kicked off again. This semester is Marketing. I think it's really going to be hard. The "key terms" as they are now called are endless. 21 in the first chapter. Memorize the word and defenition. I just want to tell my advisor, look lady, I'm old.. I can't memorize all these "key terms" successully, so you're just going to have to cut down on them. I bet that'd work out well, don't you? Guess HD will just have to help me study in flash card style. The purchase of the book yields you access to their website where you can take quizes and practice things to help you out. So, maybe if I do more of that it will help, I dunno yet, but it's not smelling like success right out of the gate.
I think I could make a commercial for "It's allergy season." I have at least one eye matted shut every damn morning. And the runny, itchy eyes and nose all day long, every day. I look like I've got something seriously wrong. WELL I DO!! Have you every had allergies? A lady in the store asked me "honey, do you have a cold?" Hell no, I 'd feel better if that was it! I love summer but when this fires up, bring on the first freeze. I've been taking Zyrtec with an OTC tablet of something and getting some relief, but it sure sucks. Note to self: buy stock in kleenex.
Anyone have any new thoughts on keeping my little bitch out of the kitchen trash? Beating her senseless has worked well. She's senceless, but still getting into the trash. It doesn't matter if you have 1 empty envelope in there or 1/2 a bag of steak scraps. She's GOT to get in it and string it through the house. Short of killing her, I'm out of ideas. Obviously she's old, and now she's lost her mind. She used to know better. I don't know that a trashcan with a lid would detour her either. If there weren't 2 other dogs in the house, I'd put a couple mouse traps down in front of it and let that do the work. I'm sure it'd only take one snap to wart her off, I wouldn't even have to set them after that. I think the mere smell and the fact that they were there would fix the problem, but then there's the other 2 innocent by standers. So if you have any other thoughts on how to save her life as the "one moe time and I'll kill you" clock ticks for her, let me know.
Since I spent the day up to my eyeballs in tomatoes yesterday, I'd better get busy with dishes, laundery and picking up the house as well as getting groceries. HD has been gone since Sunday last week. I sure miss him and wish he could be home before next weekend. Good thing it doesn't go like this most of the time.
Have a great week!
� grizmom at