Daily News...
The Flylady! OHMYGOSH! My YS turned me on to her and I swear, it's like getting spam mail! hahaha And, I don't do what she says either! But she sure cracks me up! From time to time I do browse around on her website and laugh and completely swear to the powers that be, that she's seen me and THAT'S where she gets this stuff!Marketing class was a bust. 80ish vocabulary words every 2 1/2 weeks, and that's not covering any of the meat of the chapter. Color me gone. Class dropped. I was getting up at 3:30am and studying til 6:30 then coming home at 4:30 and studying until 10:00 every single night, AND all day on the weekends. Whatthehellever! Midst fits of bawling, then sobbing and just flat out putting my head down on the bar and whaling in frustration, not to mention making my family and HD CRAZY! It wasn't worth it. I told my instructor I was struggling, have been, told her a few times over, even emailed her about it. She said I'd benefit from her lecture. Great, when is it? Oh during the day... well, I'll just tell my boss, I'm sure she won't mind. What kind of answer is that? So, at 4:30am on Monday I emailed her, saying that I was choosing to withdraw from the class and what was the process. Her note to me was not one of concern or encouragement or support. Oh no, it was "I can take care of that for you without your signature, let me know what you decide." I just sent back a note that simple said "please process the form." That was the last I heard from her. My Dad was a college instructor until he retired. He always said that if someone failed his class it was his fault. And I whole-heartedly am laying my failure on her. I told her I was struggling. I told her I didn't get it. I told her I was overwhelmed. She told me I needed to ask for more examples. Examples??? Of what? When you don't know what you don't know, what do you ask? **sigh**
Oh well, I'll take it again sometime, somewhere else. For now, I'm taking the rest of the semester off. Maybe I can get my wedding things in order. Oh yeah, and quilt! :) Haven't done that in a coons age. But I've drug it out and I'm ready to get going again.
OS's oldest daughter is moving into her 1st apartment tomorrow. We were over there tonight doing some cleaning before the big move. We did do some cleaning but we did a whole lotta laughing. OS's 3 daughters together are just hysterical! It was good to just goof around and spend some time together. I'm meeting OS's middle daughter for coffee when she rises tomorrow. That'll be fun too.
HD tried to amputate his finger last week. OHMYGOSH! Right through the fingernail, clear down to the bone. Filleted like fish. And when he FINALLY decided I was (of course!) right, and went to the doctor, the doctor told him it was too late, he couldn't stitch it. Here's some antibiotics. Keep it covered. See you in a week. It bled and bled and bled from Thursday last week until yesterday. Today it's finally getting some scabbing going. He's been using press 'n' seal to take showers and keep it dry. That stuff's amazing! Unfortunately, it'll be really sore for a really long time. Poor HD. He had to get a tetnus (sp?) shot too. Saturday night we were listening to The Rumble's play in concert and there was a skeeter on his arm. So thinking I was being helpful, I flotted-the sucker. OOPS!!! I flotted the shot! I dang-near killed him. I felt so bad. He's so good to me. After he could finally breathe and talk again at the same time, he just said, it's ok, it was just an accident. Bull! I'd have hit him back if it were me! hahaha
DIL is taking her medicine and I really see some changes in her. THANK GOD! That's the one and ONLY thing that's kept me from killing her with my own two bare hands. I've been leaving chore lists for her every day, with the reminder that if I have to do them, it's gonna cost her. So far, so good. I'm impressed and trying to appreciate it, but damn it's hard after all this time. The thoughts of ripping her out of a chair and slapping the crap out of her are very vivid :)
DIL's mother was over to my house to let the dogs out this week. She does that when nobody will be home for the majority of the day, which really is nice of her, even though I can't stand her. She left me a note that read: "Beacky, Satie is lymping on her rite frount pah." WHAT? After I was finally able to shut my mouth again, yes it was hanging wide open, I was no longer frozen in one place, I just stood there shaking my head. What grown woman spells like that? She did manage to spell her own name right when she signed it, I think. I was feeling pretty stupid over the whole Marketing thing, but I'm so over it now!
Junkmel, I was thinking about old games we played as kids. We played Flinch by the HOURS! Did you guys play that? It was a card game. I couldn't tell you how to play it now, but I can vividly remember the making of the hands, and cross stacking them in the red plastic holder. The box was white and the cards were a royal blue on one side, white on the other. How about Yatzee? I LOVE to play that game! I suck at it, but I like it. Or Perfection. I can never get all the pieces in before she blows and when they come popping up, I always jump. Operation? Another one that makes me jump! Guess I'll never be a doctor! I know, that makes y'all feel better, doesn't it!
If you and hubby want some fun adult games to play try Battle of the Sexes or Fact or Crap. They're both good clean fun, but definately for an older bunch of folks. Ok, not older, more mature. HD and I LOVE those games and we laugh and laugh and LAUGH at them and ourselves every time! HD does much better at it than I do, but we do it anyway.
Well, that's about it from here. Have a great weekend ladies & GO BIG RED!
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