Fat Fat Fat...
Commitment to myself. What does that mean, really. I have done much soul searching and yet, I find myself NOT doing the things to lead me to the weight loss I so desire. **sigh** uummmmm I have the WW books to work the program, yet, I don't do it. I have many-o-work out dvds AND a bowflex, and I don't use them either. Somehow I can be committed to my cooking, my cleaning, my quilting, my job, my friends and my family... you name it. But I CANNOT for the life of me, get committed to myself. It's clear that I need a "body makeover" but I fear I need a "mind makeover" before I can tackle the body.I've done some looking and reading online, at work, because I could, and I stumbled onto Oprah (whom I LOVE) something about Weight Loss Challenge. They have a "contract" for a commitment to yourself. However, I've lost that website and am feverishly searching for it again. The only thing I've hung onto is "commitment to myself" and have uttered it to myself all day, especially when I wanted to put something in my mouth.
Those three words have helped me with moderation today though. Every time I put something in my mouth. When I got home I went for a sugar cookie and I'd usually grab 4-5, but after uttering that, I took 1. And I was satisfied with that. Suprise suprise! :)
Commitment to myself to watch my portion? Commitment to myself to not eat everything that passes in front of me? I dunno what I'm committed to, but for today, I'm committed...
I'm going to TRY to get up 30 minutes early tomorrow and start my work out dvd again. I was doing it before Thanksgiving but I quit that and haven't gotten back to it yet. Until tomorrow. I have high hopes, don't I?
Junkmel, I hope you make the 20-gone mark! I'm rooting for you and can't WAIT to hear the good news! I'm so jealous!!
Christmas shopping is all but done. I need to buy for my best friend K and then do the stocking things and I'm D.O.N.E. DONE! :) Color me happy!
Things are winding up to wind down at work. HOLY COW people are crabby. We're short people, short parts, have a new software program that sucks.. and man, people need a holiday. Good thing we shut down the week of Christmas... everyone needs it.
Wedding plans are slowly coming along. I can't get my head wrapped around the count of 165 days left until the big day. I'm excited but I can hardly believe that I'm really doing it, again. I just never thought it would be in the cards for me. Amazing... :)
That's about all the blahh blahh blahh I know for now. Have a good one ladies.
� grizmom at